DolphinScheduler upgrade documentation
1. Back Up Previous Version’s Files and Database.
2. Stop All Services of DolphinScheduler.
sh ./script/
3. Download the New Version’s Installation Package.
- Download the latest version of the installation packages.
- The following upgrade operations need to be performed in the new version’s directory.
4. Database Upgrade
Modify the following properties in
.If you use MySQL as the database to run DolphinScheduler, please comment out PostgreSQL related configurations, and add mysql connector jar into lib dir, here we download mysql-connector-java-8.0.16.jar, and then correctly config database connect information. You can download mysql connector jar here. Alternatively, if you use Postgres as database, you just need to comment out Mysql related configurations, and correctly config database connect information.
# Database type, username, password, IP, port, metadata. For now dbtype supports `mysql` and `postgresql`, `H2`
# Please make sure that the value of configuration is quoted in double quotation marks, otherwise may not take effect
# Have to modify if you are not using dolphinscheduler/dolphinscheduler as your username and password
Execute database upgrade script
sh ./script/
5. Backend Service Upgrade.
5.1 Modify the Content in conf/config/install_config.conf
- Standalone Deployment please refer the [6, Modify running arguments] in Standalone-Deployment.
- Cluster Deployment please refer the [6, Modify running arguments] in Cluster-Deployment.
Masters Need Attentions
1、Modify the workers config item in conf/config/install_config.conf file.
Imaging bellow are the machine worker service to be deployed:
hostname | ip |
ds1 | 192.168.xx.10 |
ds2 | 192.168.xx.11 |
ds3 | 192.168.xx.12 |
To keep worker group config consistent with the previous version, we need to modify workers config item as below:
#worker service is deployed on which machine, and also specify which worker group this worker belongs to.
5.2 Execute Deploy Script.