Server management

📄️ AUTH Authenticate to the server

📄️ BGSAVE Asynchronously save the dataset to disk

📄️ CLIENT GETNAME Get the current connection name

📄️ CLIENT LIST Get the list of client connections

📄️ CLIENT SETNAME Set the current connection name

📄️ CLIENT A container for client connection commands

📄️ COMMAND COUNT Get total number of Dragonfly commands

📄️ COMMAND Get array of Dragonfly command details

📄️ CONFIG RESETSTAT Reset the stats returned by INFO

📄️ CONFIG A container for server configuration commands

📄️ DBSIZE Return the number of keys in the selected database

📄️ DEBUG A container for debugging commands

📄️ ECHO Echo the given string

📄️ FLUSHALL Remove all keys from all databases

📄️ FLUSHDB Remove all keys from the current database

📄️ HELLO Handshake with Dragonfly

📄️ INFO Get information and statistics about the server

📄️ LASTSAVE Get the UNIX time stamp of the last successful save to disk

📄️ MEMORY HELP Show helpful text about the different subcommands

📄️ MEMORY MALLOC-STATS Show allocator internal stats

📄️ MEMORY A container for memory diagnostics commands

📄️ MONITOR Listen for all requests received by the server in real time

📄️ PING Ping the server

📄️ QUIT Close the connection

📄️ REPLCONF An internal command for configuring the replication stream

📄️ REPLICAOF Make the server a replica of another instance, or promote it as master.

📄️ ROLE Return the role of the instance in the context of replication

📄️ SAVE Synchronously save the dataset to disk

📄️ SELECT Change the selected database for the current connection

📄️ SHUTDOWN Synchronously save the dataset to disk and then shut down the server

📄️ TIME Return the current server time