Sql Sink

The sink will write the result to the database.

Compile & deploy plugin

This plugin must be used in conjunction with at least a database driver. We are using build tag to determine which driver will be included. This repository lists all the supported drivers.

This plugin supports sqlserver\postgres\mysql\sqlite3\oracle drivers by default. User can compile plugin that only support one driver by himself, for example, if he only wants mysql, then he can build with build tag mysql.

Default build command

  1. # cd $eKuiper_src
  2. # go build -trimpath -modfile extensions.mod --buildmode=plugin -o plugins/sinks/Sql.so extensions/sinks/sql/sql.go
  3. # cp plugins/sinks/Sql.so $eKuiper_install/plugins/sinks

MySql build command

  1. # cd $eKuiper_src
  2. # go build -trimpath -modfile extensions.mod --buildmode=plugin -tags mysql -o plugins/sinks/Sql.so extensions/sinks/sql/sql.go
  3. # cp plugins/sinks/Sql.so $eKuiper_install/plugins/sinks


Property name Optional Description
url false The url of the target database
table false The table name of the result
fields true The fields to be inserted to. The result map and the database should both have these fields. If not specified, all fields in the result map will be inserted.
tableDataField true Write the nested values of the tableDataField into database.

Sample usage

Below is a sample for using sql to get the target data and set to mysql database

  1. {
  2. "id": "rule",
  3. "sql": "SELECT stuno as id, stuName as name, format_time(entry_data,\"YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:ss\") as registerTime FROM SqlServerStream",
  4. "actions": [
  5. {
  6. "log": {
  7. },
  8. "sql": {
  9. "url": "mysql://user:test@",
  10. "table": "test",
  11. "fields": ["id","name","registerTime"]
  12. }
  13. }
  14. ]
  15. }

Write values of tableDataField into database:

The following configuration will write telemetry field’s values into database

  1. {
  2. "telemetry": [{
  3. "temperature": 32.32,
  4. "humidity": 80.8,
  5. "ts": 1388082430
  6. },{
  7. "temperature": 34.32,
  8. "humidity": 81.8,
  9. "ts": 1388082440
  10. }]
  11. }

json lines { "id": "rule", "sql": "SELECT telemetry FROM dataStream", "actions": [ { "log": { }, "sql": { "url": "mysql://user:test@", "table": "test", "fields": ["temperature","humidity"], "tableDataField": "telemetry", } } ] }