类: TouchBarColorPicker

在macOS 应用程序中,为触控栏创建拾色器

Process: Main

new TouchBarColorPicker(可选) 实验功能

  • options Object
    • availableColors String[] (可选) - 由可选的十六进位色值组成的字符串数组.
    • backgroundColorString (可选) - 拾色器选中的颜色十六进位色值,例如 #ABCDEF
    • change Function (optional) - Function to call when a color is selected.
      • color String - 用户从拾色器中选取的颜色.


以下为TouchBarColorPicker 实例的可用属性:


A String[] array representing the color picker’s available colors to select. Changing this value immediately updates the color picker in the touch bar.


A String hex code representing the color picker’s currently selected color. Changing this value immediately updates the color picker in the touch bar.