Built-in SQL Functions

EMQX rules use a SQL-like syntax and support a variety of built-in functions for doing basic data transformation, including mathematical, data type judgment, conversion, string, map, array, hash, compression and decompression, bit, decoding and encoding, and time and date functions that are available in EMQX.


Since EMQX 5.0 version, EMQX also supports using JQ languageBuilt-in SQL Functions - 图1 (opens new window) for complex data transformation, you may read the JQ Fucntion section for more information.

Mathematical Functions

EMQX supports a wide range of mathematical functions:

  • Trigonometric and hyperbolic functions: include sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, atan, sinh, cosh, tanh, asinh, acosh, atanh
  • Numerical functions: include abs, ceil, floor, round, sqrt, fmod
  • Exponential and logarithmic functions: including exp, power, log, log10, and log2

See the table below for a complete list of mathematical functions supported.

Function NameDescriptionParameter
absAbsolute valueOperand
cosCosine valueOperand
coshHyperbolic cosine valueOperand
acosInverse cosine valueOperand
acoshInverse hyperbolic cosine valueOperand
sinSine valueOperand
sinhHyperbolic sine valueOperand
asinArcsine valueOperand
asinhInverse hyperbolic sine valueOperand
tanTangent valueOperand
tanhHyperbolic tangent valueOperand
atanArc tangent valueOperand
atanhInverse hyperbolic tangent valueOperand
ceilRound up (integer)Operand
floorRound down (integer)Operand
roundRounding (integer)Operand
1. Left Operand
2. Right Operand
x power of e
powerExponential operation
y power of X
1. Left operand x
2. Right operand y
sqrtSquare rootOperand
logLogarithm to eOperand
log10Logarithm to 10Operand
log2Logarithm to 2Operand


  1. abs(-12) = 12
  2. cos(1.5) = 0.0707372016677029
  3. cosh(1.5) = 2.352409615243247
  4. acos(0.0707372016677029) = 1.5
  5. acosh(2.352409615243247) = 1.5
  6. sin(0.5) = 0.479425538604203
  7. sinh(0.5) = 0.5210953054937474
  8. asin(0.479425538604203) = 0.5
  9. asinh(0.5210953054937474) = 0.5
  10. tan(1.4) = 5.797883715482887
  11. tanh(1.4) = 0.8853516482022625
  12. atan(5.797883715482887) = 1.4
  13. atanh(0.8853516482022625) = 1.4000000000000001
  14. ceil(1.34) = 2
  15. floor(1.34) = 1
  16. round(1.34) = 1
  17. round(1.54) = 2
  18. exp(10) = 22026.465794806718
  19. power(2, 10) = 1024
  20. sqrt(2) = 1.4142135623730951
  21. fmod(-32, 5) = -2
  22. log10(1000) = 3
  23. log2(1024) = 10

Data Type Judgment Function

EMQX has built-in functions for data type judgments. These functions are used to check the data type of a specific field in a message and return a boolean value indicating whether or not the field conforms to the specified data type.

See the table below for a complete list of data type judgment functions supported.

Function NameDescriptionParameter
is_nullCheck if a field is undefined
is_not_nullCheck if a field is defined
is_strCheck if the value is of String type
is_boolCheck if the value is of Boolean type
is_intCheck if the value is of Integer type
is_floatCheck if the value is of Float type
is_numCheck if the value is of numeric type
Integer or Float
is_mapCheck if the value is of Map type
is_arrayCheck if the value is of Array type


  1. is_null(undefined) = true
  2. is_not_null(1) = true
  3. is_str(1) = false
  4. is_str('val') = true
  5. is_bool(true) = true
  6. is_int(1) = true
  7. is_float(1) = false
  8. is_float(1.234) = true
  9. is_num(2.3) = true
  10. is_num('val') = false

Data Type Conversion Functions

EMQX has built-in functions that allow you to convert the data type of a specific field in a message to a new data type.

See the table below for a complete list of data type judgment functions supported.

Function NameDescriptionParameter
str *Convert data to String typeData
str_utf8Convert data to UTF-8 String typeData
boolConvert data to Boolean typeData
intConvert data to Integer typeData
floatConvert data to Float typeData
float2strConvert a float to a string with the given precision1. Float Number
2. Precision
mapConvert data to Map typeData

[^*]: When converting a floating-point type to a string, the output may need to be rounded.


  1. str(1234) = '1234'
  2. str_utf8(1234) = '1234'
  3. bool('true') = true
  4. int('1234') = 1234
  5. float('3.14') = 3.14
  6. float2str(20.2, 10) = '20.2'
  7. float2str(20.2, 17) = '20.19999999999999928'


Data type conversion failures will cause SQL matching to fail, please proceed with caution.

String Functions

EMQX provides several built-in functions for manipulating strings in the rule engine, for example, case conversion, space removing, and sting length count.

See the table below for a complete list of string functions supported.

Function NameDescriptionParameter
lowerConvert to lowercaseInput string
upperConvert to uppercaseInput string
trimRemove left and right spaceInput string
ltrimRemove left spaceInput string
rtrimRemove right spaceInput string
reverseString inversionInput string
strlenString lengthInput string
substrTake a substring of characters1. Input string
2. Start position (starting at position 1)
(with end)
Take a substring of characters1. Input string
2. Start position (starting at position 1).
3. End position
splitString split1. Input string
2. Separator
(with direction)
String split1. Input string
2. Separator
3. Direction, optional value: leading or trailing
concatString concatenation1. Left string
2. Right substring
tokensString splitting (based on a specified delimiter)1. Input string
2. Delimiter or substring
tokensString splitting (based on a specified delimiter and line break)1. Input string
2. Delimiter or substring
3. ‘nocrlf’
sprintfString formatting, see the Format section in https://erlang.org/doc/man/io.html#fwrite-1 for usage1. Format string
2,3,4… Parameter list. The number of parameters may vary
padString padding with spaces from the end1. Original string
2. Total character length
padString padding with spaces from the end1. Original string
2. Total character length
3. ‘trailing’
padString padding with spaces from both sides1. Original string
2. Total character length
3. ‘both’
padString padding with spaces from the beginning1. Original string
2. Total character length
3. ‘leading’
padString padding with a specified character from the end1. Original string
2. Total character length
3. ‘trailing’
4. Character used for padding
padString padding with a specified character from both sides1. Original string
2. Total character length
3. ‘both’
4. Character used for padding
padString padding with a specified character from the beginning1. Original string
2. Total character length
3. ‘leading’
4. Character used for padding
replaceReplace a substring in a string (replace all occurrences)1. Original string
2. Substring to be replaced
3. String used for replacement
replaceReplace a substring in a string (replace all occurrences)1. Original string
2. Substring to be replaced
3. String used for replacement
4. ‘all’
replaceReplace a substring in a string (replace the first occurrence from the end)1. Original string
2. Substring to be replaced
3. String used for replacement
4. ‘trailing’
replaceReplace a substring in a string (replace the first occurrence from the beginning)1. Original string
2. Substring to be replaced
3. String used for replacement
4. ‘leading’
regex_matchCheck if a string matches a regular expression1. Original string
2. Regular expression
regex_replaceReplace substrings in a string that match a regular expression1. Original string
2. Regular expression
3. String used for replacement
asciiReturn the ASCII code of a character1. Character
findSearch and return a substring in a string (searching from the beginning)1. Original string
2. Substring to be found
findSearch and return a substring in a string (searching from the beginning)1. Original string
2. Substring to be found
3. ‘leading’


  1. lower('AbC') = 'abc'
  2. lower('abc') = 'abc'
  3. upper('AbC') = 'ABC'` `lower('ABC') = 'ABC'
  4. trim(' hello ') = 'hello'
  5. ltrim(' hello ') = 'hello '
  6. rtrim(' hello ') = ' hello'
  7. reverse('hello') = 'olleh'
  8. strlen('hello') = 5
  9. substr('abcdef', 2) = 'cdef'
  10. substr('abcdef', 2, 3) = 'cde'
  11. split('a/b/ c', '/') = ['a', 'b', ' c']
  12. split('a/b/ c', '/', 'leading') = ['a', 'b/ c']
  13. split('a/b/ c', '/', 'trailing') = ['a/b', ' c']
  14. concat('a', '/bc') = 'a/bc'
  15. 'a' + '/bc' = 'a/bc'
  16. tokens(' a/b/ c', '/') = [' a', 'b', ' c']
  17. tokens(' a/b/ c', '/ ') = ['a', 'b', 'c']
  18. tokens(' a/b/ c\n', '/ ') = ['a', 'b', 'c\n']
  19. tokens(' a/b/ c\n', '/ ', 'nocrlf') = ['a', 'b', 'c']
  20. tokens(' a/b/ c\r\n', '/ ', 'nocrlf') = ['a', 'b', 'c']
  21. sprintf('hello, ~s!', 'steve') = 'hello, steve!'
  22. sprintf('count: ~p~n', 100) = 'count: 100\n'
  23. pad('abc', 5) = 'abc '
  24. pad('abc', 5, 'trailing') = 'abc '
  25. pad('abc', 5, 'both') = ' abc '
  26. pad('abc', 5, 'leading') = ' abc'
  27. pad('abc', 5, 'trailing', '*') = 'abc**'
  28. pad('abc', 5, 'trailing', '*#') = 'abc*#*#'
  29. pad('abc', 5, 'both', '*') = '*abc*'
  30. pad('abc', 5, 'both', '*#') = '*#abc*#'
  31. pad('abc', 5, 'leading', '*') = '**abc'
  32. pad('abc', 5, 'leading', '*#') = '*#*#abc'
  33. replace('ababef', 'ab', 'cd') = 'cdcdef'
  34. replace('ababef', 'ab', 'cd', 'all') = 'cdcdef'
  35. replace('ababef', 'ab', 'cd', 'trailing') = 'abcdef'
  36. replace('ababef', 'ab', 'cd', 'leading') = 'cdabef'
  37. regex_match('abc123', '[a-zA-Z1-9]*') = true
  38. regex_replace('ab1cd3ef', '[1-9]', '[&]') = 'ab[1]cd[3]ef'
  39. regex_replace('ccefacef', 'c+', ':') = ':efa:ef'
  40. ascii('a') = 97
  41. find('eeabcabcee', 'abc') = 'abcabcee'
  42. find('eeabcabcee', 'abc', 'leading') = 'abcabcee'
  43. find('eeabcabcee', 'abc', 'trailing') = 'abcee'

Map Functions

EMQX has built-in functions that allow you to manipulate maps, and perform operations such as adding key-value pairs to a map and retrieving values.

See the table below for a complete list of map functions supported.

Function NameDescriptionParameter
map_getRetrieve the value associated with a specified key in the Map
Or return null if the key is not found
1. Key
2. Map
(with default)
Retrieve the value associated with a specified key in the Map,
Or return the specified default value if the key is not found
1. Key
2. Map
3. Default Value
map_putInsert a key-value pair into the Map1. Key
2. Value
3. Map


  1. map_get('a', json_decode( '{ "a" : 1 }' )) = 1
  2. map_get('b', json_decode( '{ "a" : 1 }' ), 2) = 2
  3. map_get('a', map_put('a', 2, json_decode( '{ "a" : 1 }' ))) = 2

Array Functions

EMQX provides several built-in functions for working with arrays in the rule engine. These functions allow you to perform operations such as filtering, mapping, and reducing on arrays within incoming messages.

See the table below for a complete list of array functions supported.

Function NamePurposeParameters
nthReturns the nth element of an array.
Subscripts start at 1.
1. Array
2. n (integer)
lengthReturns the length of an array.Array
sublistReturns a sub-array of length len starting from the first element.
Subscripts start at 1.
1. Array
2. len (integer)
sublistReturns a sub-array of length len starting from the nth element.
Subscripts start at 1.
1. Array
2. n (integer)
3. len (integer)
firstReturns the first element of an array.
Subscripts start at 1.
lastReturns the last element of an array.Array
containsReturns a boolean indicating if the data is in the array.1. Data
2. Array


  1. nth(2, [1,2,3,4]) = 2
  2. length([1,2,3,4]) = 4
  3. sublist(3, [1,2,3,4]) = [1,2,3,4]
  4. sublist(1,2,[1,2,3,4]) = [1, 2]
  5. first([1,2,3,4]) = 1
  6. last([1,2,3,4]) = 4
  7. contains(2, [1,2,3,4]) = true

Hash Function

EMQX supports using D5, SHA, and SHA256 to ensure data integrity and security.

See the table below for a complete list of Hush functions supported.

Function NameDescriptionParameter
md5Calculate the MD5 hash valueData
shaCalculate the SHA hash valueData
sha256Calculate the SHA256 hash valueData


  1. md5('some val') = '1b68352b3e9c2de52ffd322e30bffcc4'
  2. sha('some val') = 'f85ba28ff5ea84a0cbfa118319acb0c5e58ee2b9'
  3. sha256('some val') = '67f97635d8a0e064f60ba6e8846a0ac0be664f18f0c1dc6445cd3542d2b71993'

Compression and Decompression Functions

EMQX uses compression and decompression functions to reduce network bandwidth usage and improve system performance, where, the compression functions are used to reduce the amount of data that needs to be transmitted over the network, the decompression functions are used to decompress the compressed payload data of MQTT messages.

See the table below for a complete list of compression and decompression functions supported.

gzipCompresses with gzip headers and checksum.raw_data
gunzipDecompresses with gzip headers and checksum.compressed_data
zipCompresses without zlib headers and checksum.raw_data (binary),
unzipDecompresses data without zlib headers and checksum.compressed_data
zip_compressCompresses with zlib headers and checksum.raw_data (binary)
zip_uncompressDecompresses with zlib headers and checksum.compressed_data


  1. bin2hexstr(gzip('hello world')) = '1F8B0800000000000003CB48CDC9C95728CF2FCA49010085114A0D0B000000'
  2. gunzip(hexstr2bin('1F8B0800000000000003CB48CDC9C95728CF2FCA49010085114A0D0B000000')) = 'hello world'
  3. bin2hexstr(zip('hello world')) = 'CB48CDC9C95728CF2FCA490100'
  4. unzip(hexstr2bin('CB48CDC9C95728CF2FCA490100')) = 'hello world'
  5. bin2hexstr(zip_compress('hello world')) = '789CCB48CDC9C95728CF2FCA4901001A0B045D'
  6. zip_uncompress(hexstr2bin('789CCB48CDC9C95728CF2FCA4901001A0B045D')) = 'hello world'

Bit Functions

EMQX uses the subbits function to extract a sequence of bits from a binary or bitstring and convert it to a specified data type.

See the table below for the syntax supported.

subbitsReturns an unsigned integer (big-endian) obtained by extracting a specified number of bits from the beginning of a binary input.1. Binary input
2. Number of bits to extract
(with offset)
Returns an unsigned integer (big-endian) obtained by extracting a specified number of bits starting from a given offset in a binary input.
Offsets are indexed starting from 1.
1. Binary input
2. Starting offset
3. Number of bits to extract
(with offset and data type conversion)
Returns a data value obtained by extracting a specified number of bits starting from a given offset in a binary input and after data type conversion.
Offsets are indexed starting from 1.
1. Binary input
2. Starting offset
3. Number of bits to extract
4. Data Type, can be integer, float, bits

If set to integer, you can continue to set:
- Signedness: unsigned, signed,
- Endianness: big, little


  1. subbits('abc', 8) = 97
  2. subbits('abc', 9, 8) = 98
  3. subbits('abc', 17, 8) = 99
  4. subbits('abc', 9, 16, 'integer', 'signed', 'big') = 25187
  5. subbits('abc', 9, 16, 'integer', 'signed', 'little') = 25442

Decoding and Encoding Functions

EMQX uses encoding and decoding functions to convert data from one format to another.

See the table below for a complete list of encoding and decoding functions supported.

base64_encodeBASE64 encodeBinary to be encoded
base64_decodeBASE64 decodeBbase64-formatted string to be decoded
json_encodeJSON encodeData to be encoded
json_decodeJSON decodeJSON string to be decoded
bin2hexstrBinary to Hex StringBinary
hexstr2binBinary to Hex Stringhex string


  1. base64_encode('some val') = 'c29tZSB2YWw='
  2. base64_decode('c29tZSB2YWw=') = 'some val'
  3. json_encode(json_decode( '{ "a" : 1 }' )) = '{"a":1}'
  4. bin2hexstr(hexstr2bin('ABEF123')) = 'ABEF123'

Time and Date Functions

EMQX uses the following functions for handling time and date, and the time unit supported by these functions are second, millisecond, microsecond, and nanosecond.

now_timestampReturn the current unix epoch timestamp
Unit: second
now_timestampReturn the current unix epoch timestamp with a self-defined unitTime unit
now_rfc3339Create the current RFC3339 time string
Unit: second
now_rfc3339Create the current RFC3339 time string with a self-defined unitTime unit
unix_ts_to_rfc3339Convert an unix epoch (in second) to RFC3339 time stringUnix epoch in second
unix_ts_to_rfc3339Convert an unix epoch to RFC3339 time string1. Unix epoch
2. Time unit
rfc3339_to_unix_tsConvert an RFC3339 time string (in second) to unix epoch1. Time string of format RFC3339
rfc3339_to_unix_tsConvert an RFC3339 time string to unix epoch with a self-defined unit1. Time string of format RFC3339
2. Time unit
format_dateConvert timestamp to formatted time1. Time unit (can be second, millisecond, microsecond, or nanosecond)
2. Time offset (refer to Time Offset definitionBuilt-in SQL Functions - 图2 (opens new window))
3. Date format (refer to Time String Codec FormatBuilt-in SQL Functions - 图3 (opens new window))
4. Timestamp (optional parameter, default is current time)
date_to_unix_tsConvert formatted time to timestamp1. Time unit (can be second, millisecond, microsecond, or nanosecond)
2. Time offset (optional, when not filled, use the time offset in the formatted time string, refer to the refer to Time Offset definitionBuilt-in SQL Functions - 图4 (opens new window))
3. Date format (refer to Time String Codec FormatBuilt-in SQL Functions - 图5 (opens new window))
4. Formatted time string
timezone_to_offset_secondsConvert a timezone offset string to an integer representing secondsThis function accepts a timezone offset string as a parameter. Valid formats include “+hh:mm”, “+hh:mm:ss”, “Z” for Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), or “local” for the system’s current timezone. Examples include “+02:00”, “+00:00:42”, “Z”, and “local”.

Syntax of Time String Format

%Yyear0000 - 9999
%mmonth01 - 12
%dday01 - 31
%Hhour00 - 12
%Mminute00 - 59
%Ssecond01 - 59
%Nnanosecond000000000 - 999999999
%3Nmillisecond000000 - 999999
%6Nmicrosecond000 - 000
%ztime offset [+|-]HHMM-1159 to +1159
%:ztime offset [+|-]HH:MM-11:59 to +11:59
%::ztime offset [+|-]HH:MM:SS-11:59:59 to +11:59:59

Time Offset

zUTC Zulu Time+00:00
ZUTC Zulu Time. Same as z+00:00
localSystem TimeAutomatic
Beijing +08:00
Zulu +00:00
Stockholm, Sweden +02:00
Los Angeles -08:00
[+|-]HHMM%zBeijing +0800
Zulu +0000
Stockholm, Sweden +0200
Los Angeles -0800
[+|-]HH:MM%:zBeijing +08:00
Zulu +00:00
Stockholm, Sweden +02:00
Los Angeles -08:00
[+|-]HH:MM:SS%::zBeijing +08:00:00
Zulu +00:00:00
Stockholm, Sweden +02:00:00
Los Angeles -08:00:00
integer()SecondsBeijing 28800
Zulu 0
Stockholm, Sweden 7200
Los Angeles -28800


  1. now_timestamp() = 1650874276
  2. now_timestamp('millisecond') = 1650874318331
  3. now_rfc3339() = '2022-04-25T16:08:41+08:00'
  4. now_rfc3339('millisecond') = '2022-04-25T16:10:10.652+08:00'
  5. unix_ts_to_rfc3339(1650874276) = '2022-04-25T16:11:16+08:00'
  6. unix_ts_to_rfc3339(1650874318331, 'millisecond') = '2022-04-25T16:11:58.331+08:00'
  7. rfc3339_to_unix_ts('2022-04-25T16:11:16+08:00') = 1650874276
  8. rfc3339_to_unix_ts('2022-04-25T16:11:58.331+08:00', 'millisecond') = 1650874318331
  9. format_date('second', '+0800', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S%:z', 1653561612) = '2022-05-26 18:40:12+08:00'
  10. format_date('second', 'local', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S%:z') = "2022-05-26 18:48:01+08:00"
  11. format_date('second', 0, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S%:z') = '2022-05-26 10:42:41+00:00'
  12. date_to_unix_ts('second', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S%:z', '2022-05-26 18:40:12+08:00') = 1653561612
  13. date_to_unix_ts('second', 'local', '%Y-%m-%d %H-%M-%S', '2022-05-26 18:40:12') = 1653561612
  14. date_to_unix_ts('second', '%Y-%m-%d %H-%M-%S', '2022-05-26 10:40:12') = 1653561612