Core vision

Open In Colab

Basic image opening/processing functionality

  1. /usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/torch/cuda/ UserWarning: CUDA initialization: Found no NVIDIA driver on your system. Please check that you have an NVIDIA GPU and installed a driver from (Triggered internally at /pytorch/c10/cuda/CUDAFunctions.cpp:100.)
  2. return torch._C._cuda_getDeviceCount() > 0
  1. from import *
  1. #TODO: investigate


  1. im =,20))



Image.n_px (property)

Number of pixels in image

  1. test_eq(im.n_px, 30*20)



Image.shape (property)

Image (height,width) tuple (NB:opposite order of Image.size(), same order as numpy array and pytorch tensor)

  1. test_eq(im.shape, (20,30))



Image.aspect (property)

Aspect ratio of the image, i.e. width/height

  1. test_eq(im.aspect, 30/20)


Image.reshape(x:Image, h, w, resample=0)

resize x to (w,h)

  1. test_eq(im.reshape(12,10).shape, (12,10))


Image.to_bytes_format(im:Image, format='png')

Convert to bytes, default to PNG format


Image.to_thumb(h, w=None)

Same as thumbnail, but uses a copy

  1. test_eq(im.resize_max(max_px=20*30).shape, (20,30))
  2. test_eq(im.resize_max(max_px=300).n_px, 294)
  3. test_eq(im.resize_max(max_px=500, max_h=10, max_w=20).shape, (10,15))
  4. test_eq(im.resize_max(max_h=14, max_w=15).shape, (10,15))
  5. test_eq(im.resize_max(max_px=300, max_h=10, max_w=25).shape, (10,15))


Image.resize_max(x:Image, resample=0, max_px=None, max_h=None, max_w=None)

resize x to max_px, or max_h, or max_w

Basic types

This section regroups the basic types used in vision with the transform that create objects of those types.



Convert a tensor or array to a PIL int8 Image


load_image(fn, mode=None)

Open and load a PIL.Image and convert to mode



Transform image to byte tensor in c*h*w dim order.

class PILBase[source]

PILBase() :: Image

This class represents an image object. To create :py:class:~PIL.Image.Image objects, use the appropriate factory functions. There’s hardly ever any reason to call the Image constructor directly.

  • :py:func:~PIL.Image.frombytes

class PILImage[source]

PILImage() :: PILBase

This class represents an image object. To create :py:class:~PIL.Image.Image objects, use the appropriate factory functions. There’s hardly ever any reason to call the Image constructor directly.

  • :py:func:~PIL.Image.frombytes

class PILImageBW[source]

PILImageBW() :: PILImage

This class represents an image object. To create :py:class:~PIL.Image.Image objects, use the appropriate factory functions. There’s hardly ever any reason to call the Image constructor directly.

  • :py:func:~PIL.Image.frombytes
  1. im = PILImage.create(TEST_IMAGE)
  2. test_eq(type(im), PILImage)
  3. test_eq(im.mode, 'RGB')
  4. test_eq(str(im), 'PILImage mode=RGB size=1200x803')
  1. im.resize((64,64))

Core - 图2

  1. ax =,1))

Core - 图3

  1. test_fig_exists(ax)
  1. timg = TensorImage(image2tensor(im))
  2. tpil = PILImage.create(timg)
  1. tpil.resize((64,64))

Core - 图4

class PILMask[source]

PILMask() :: PILBase

This class represents an image object. To create :py:class:~PIL.Image.Image objects, use the appropriate factory functions. There’s hardly ever any reason to call the Image constructor directly.

  • :py:func:~PIL.Image.frombytes
  1. im = PILMask.create(TEST_IMAGE)
  2. test_eq(type(im), PILMask)
  3. test_eq(im.mode, 'L')
  4. test_eq(str(im), 'PILMask mode=L size=1200x803')


  1. mnist = untar_data(URLs.MNIST_TINY)
  2. fns = get_image_files(mnist)
  3. mnist_fn = TEST_IMAGE_BW
  1. timg = Transform(PILImageBW.create)
  2. mnist_img = timg(mnist_fn)
  3. test_eq(mnist_img.size, (28,28))
  4. assert isinstance(mnist_img, PILImageBW)
  5. mnist_img

Core - 图5

Segmentation masks

class AddMaskCodes[source]

AddMaskCodes(codes=None) :: Transform

Add the code metadata to a TensorMask

  1. camvid = untar_data(URLs.CAMVID_TINY)
  2. fns = get_image_files(camvid/'images')
  3. cam_fn = fns[0]
  4. mask_fn = camvid/'labels'/f'{cam_fn.stem}_P{cam_fn.suffix}'
  1. cam_img = PILImage.create(cam_fn)
  2. test_eq(cam_img.size, (128,96))
  3. tmask = Transform(PILMask.create)
  4. mask = tmask(mask_fn)
  5. test_eq(type(mask), PILMask)
  6. test_eq(mask.size, (128,96))
  1. _,axs = plt.subplots(1,3, figsize=(12,3))
  2.[0], title='image')
  3., ctx=axs[1], vmin=1, vmax=30, title='mask')
  4.[2], title='superimposed')
  5.[2], vmin=1, vmax=30);

Core - 图6


class TensorPoint[source]

TensorPoint(x, **kwargs) :: TensorBase

Basic type for points in an image

Points are expected to come as an array/tensor of shape (n,2) or as a list of lists with two elements. Unless you change the defaults in PointScaler (see later on), coordinates should go from 0 to width/height, with the first one being the column index (so from 0 to width) and the second one being the row index (so from 0 to height).

Note: This is different from the usual indexing convention for arrays in numpy or in PyTorch, but it’s the way points are expected by matplotlib or the internal functions in PyTorch like F.grid_sample.

  1. pnt_img = TensorImage(mnist_img.resize((28,35)))
  2. pnts = np.array([[0,0], [0,35], [28,0], [28,35], [9, 17]])
  3. tfm = Transform(TensorPoint.create)
  4. tpnts = tfm(pnts)
  5. test_eq(tpnts.shape, [5,2])
  6. test_eq(tpnts.dtype, torch.float32)
  1. ctx =,1), cmap='Greys')

Core - 图7

Bounding boxes


get_annotations(fname, prefix=None)

Open a COCO style json in fname and returns the lists of filenames (with maybe prefix) and labelled bboxes.

Test [`get_annotations`](/vision.core.html#get_annotations) on the coco_tiny dataset against both image filenames and bounding box labels.

  1. coco = untar_data(URLs.COCO_TINY)
  2. test_images, test_lbl_bbox = get_annotations(coco/'train.json')
  3. annotations = json.load(open(coco/'train.json'))
  4. categories, images, annots = map(lambda x:L(x),annotations.values())
  5. test_eq(test_images, images.attrgot('file_name'))
  6. def bbox_lbls(file_name):
  7. img = images.filter(lambda img:img['file_name']==file_name)[0]
  8. bbs = annots.filter(lambda a:a['image_id'] == img['id'])
  9. i2o = {k['id']:k['name'] for k in categories}
  10. lbls = [i2o[cat] for cat in bbs.attrgot('category_id')]
  11. bboxes = [[bb[0],bb[1], bb[0]+bb[2], bb[1]+bb[3]] for bb in bbs.attrgot('bbox')]
  12. return [bboxes, lbls]
  13. for idx in random.sample(range(len(images)),5):
  14. test_eq(test_lbl_bbox[idx], bbox_lbls(test_images[idx]))

class TensorBBox[source]

TensorBBox(x, **kwargs) :: TensorPoint

Basic type for a tensor of bounding boxes in an image

Bounding boxes are expected to come as tuple with an array/tensor of shape (n,4) or as a list of lists with four elements and a list of corresponding labels. Unless you change the defaults in PointScaler (see later on), coordinates for each bounding box should go from 0 to width/height, with the following convention: x1, y1, x2, y2 where (x1,y1) is your top-left corner and (x2,y2) is your bottom-right corner.

Note: We use the same convention as for points with x going from 0 to width and y going from 0 to height.

class LabeledBBox[source]

LabeledBBox(items=None, *rest, use_list=False, match=None) :: L

Basic type for a list of bounding boxes in an image

  1. coco = untar_data(URLs.COCO_TINY)
  2. images, lbl_bbox = get_annotations(coco/'train.json')
  3. idx=2
  4. coco_fn,bbox = coco/'train'/images[idx],lbl_bbox[idx]
  5. coco_img = timg(coco_fn)
  1. tbbox = LabeledBBox(TensorBBox(bbox[0]), bbox[1])
  2. ctx =,3), cmap='Greys')

Core - 图8

Basic Transforms

Unless specifically mentioned, all the following transforms can be used as single-item transforms (in one of the list in the tfms you pass to a TfmdDS or a Datasource) or tuple transforms (in the tuple_tfms you pass to a TfmdDS or a Datasource). The safest way that will work across applications is to always use them as tuple_tfms. For instance, if you have points or bounding boxes as targets and use Resize as a single-item transform, when you get to PointScaler (which is a tuple transform) you won’t have the correct size of the image to properly scale your points.





Any data augmentation transform that runs on PIL Images must be run before this transform.

  1. tfm = ToTensor()
  2. print(tfm)
  3. print(type(mnist_img))
  4. print(type(tfm(mnist_img)))
  1. ToTensor:
  2. encodes: (PILMask,object) -> encodes
  3. (PILBase,object) -> encodes
  4. decodes:
  5. <class '__main__.PILImageBW'>
  6. <class 'fastai.torch_core.TensorImageBW'>
  1. tfm = ToTensor()
  2. test_eq(tfm(mnist_img).shape, (1,28,28))
  3. test_eq(type(tfm(mnist_img)), TensorImageBW)
  4. test_eq(tfm(mask).shape, (96,128))
  5. test_eq(type(tfm(mask)), TensorMask)

Let’s confirm we can pipeline this with PILImage.create.

  1. pipe_img = Pipeline([PILImageBW.create, ToTensor()])
  2. img = pipe_img(mnist_fn)
  3. test_eq(type(img), TensorImageBW)
  4., figsize=(1,1));

Core - 图9

  1. def _cam_lbl(x): return mask_fn
  2. cam_tds = Datasets([cam_fn], [[PILImage.create, ToTensor()], [_cam_lbl, PILMask.create, ToTensor()]])
  3. show_at(cam_tds, 0);

Core - 图10

To work with data augmentation, and in particular the grid_sample method, points need to be represented with coordinates going from -1 to 1 (-1 being top or left, 1 bottom or right), which will be done unless you pass do_scale=False. We also need to make sure they are following our convention of points being x,y coordinates, so pass along y_first=True if you have your data in an y,x format to add a flip.

Warning: This transform needs to run on the tuple level, before any transform that changes the image size.

class PointScaler[source]

PointScaler(do_scale=True, y_first=False) :: Transform

Scale a tensor representing points

To work with data augmentation, and in particular the grid_sample method, points need to be represented with coordinates going from -1 to 1 (-1 being top or left, 1 bottom or right), which will be done unless you pass do_scale=False. We also need to make sure they are following our convention of points being x,y coordinates, so pass along y_first=True if you have your data in an y,x format to add a flip.

Note: This transform automatically grabs the sizes of the images it sees before a TensorPoint object and embeds it in them. For this to work, those images need to be before any points in the order of your final tuple. If you don’t have such images, you need to embed the size of the corresponding image when creating a TensorPoint by passing it with sz=....

  1. def _pnt_lbl(x): return TensorPoint.create(pnts)
  2. def _pnt_open(fn): return PILImage(PILImage.create(fn).resize((28,35)))
  3. pnt_tds = Datasets([mnist_fn], [_pnt_open, [_pnt_lbl]])
  4. pnt_tdl = TfmdDL(pnt_tds, bs=1, after_item=[PointScaler(), ToTensor()])
  1. test_eq(pnt_tdl.after_item.c, 10)
  1. x,y = pnt_tdl.one_batch()
  2. #Scaling and flipping properly done
  3. #NB: we added a point earlier at (9,17); formula below scales to (-1,1) coords
  4. test_close(y[0], tensor([[-1., -1.], [-1., 1.], [1., -1.], [1., 1.], [9/14-1, 17/17.5-1]]))
  5. a,b = pnt_tdl.decode_batch((x,y))[0]
  6. test_eq(b, tensor(pnts).float())
  7. #Check types
  8. test_eq(type(x), TensorImage)
  9. test_eq(type(y), TensorPoint)
  10. test_eq(type(a), TensorImage)
  11. test_eq(type(b), TensorPoint)
  12. test_eq(b.img_size, (28,35)) #Automatically picked the size of the input
  1. pnt_tdl.show_batch(figsize=(2,2), cmap='Greys');

Core - 图11

class BBoxLabeler[source]

BBoxLabeler(enc=None, dec=None, split_idx=None, order=None) :: Transform

Delegates (__call__,decode,setup) to (encodes,decodes,setups) if split_idx matches







  1. def _coco_bb(x): return TensorBBox.create(bbox[0])
  2. def _coco_lbl(x): return bbox[1]
  3. coco_tds = Datasets([coco_fn], [PILImage.create, [_coco_bb], [_coco_lbl, MultiCategorize(add_na=True)]], n_inp=1)
  4. coco_tdl = TfmdDL(coco_tds, bs=1, after_item=[BBoxLabeler(), PointScaler(), ToTensor()])
  1. Categorize(add_na=True)
  1. Categorize -- {'vocab': None, 'sort': True, 'add_na': True}:
  2. encodes: (object,object) -> encodes
  3. decodes: (object,object) -> decodes
  1. coco_tds.tfms
  1. (#3) [Pipeline: PILBase.create,Pipeline: _coco_bb,Pipeline: _coco_lbl -> MultiCategorize -- {'vocab': None, 'sort': True, 'add_na': True}]
  1. x,y,z
  1. (PILImage mode=RGB size=128x128,
  2. TensorBBox([[-0.9011, -0.4606, 0.1416, 0.6764],
  3. [ 0.2000, -0.2405, 1.0000, 0.9102],
  4. [ 0.4909, -0.9325, 0.9284, -0.5011]]),
  5. TensorMultiCategory([1, 1, 1]))
  1. x,y,z = coco_tdl.one_batch()
  2. test_close(y[0], -1+tensor(bbox[0])/64)
  3. test_eq(z[0], tensor([1,1,1]))
  4. a,b,c = coco_tdl.decode_batch((x,y,z))[0]
  5. test_close(b, tensor(bbox[0]).float())
  6. test_eq(c.bbox, b)
  7. test_eq(c.lbl, bbox[1])
  8. #Check types
  9. test_eq(type(x), TensorImage)
  10. test_eq(type(y), TensorBBox)
  11. test_eq(type(z), TensorMultiCategory)
  12. test_eq(type(a), TensorImage)
  13. test_eq(type(b), TensorBBox)
  14. test_eq(type(c), LabeledBBox)
  15. test_eq(y.img_size, (128,128))
  1. coco_tdl.show_batch();

Core - 图12

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