Framework7 Vue Package Structure


Framework7 Vue package contains the following files and folders:

  1. framework7-vue/
  2. components/
  3. accordion-content.js
  4. accordion-item.js
  5. accordion-toggle.js
  6. accordion.js
  7. actions-button.js
  8. actions-group.js
  9. actions-label.js
  10. actions.js
  11. app.js
  12. ...
  13. framework7-vue.bundle.js
  14. framework7-vue.bundle.min.js
  15. framework7-vue.esm.bundle.js
  16. framework7-vue.esm.js

Browser Script (UMD)

framework7-vue.bundle.js is so called UMD-format JavaScript intended to be used directly in browser (e.g. with <script src="...">) or with libraries like Require.js. It already contains all Framework7-Vue components registered.

It is not recommended to use this version for production, just for development and testing


All Vue components are located in components/ folder and can be used with core (not bundle) version. These components are ES modules.

  1. import App from 'framework7-vue/components/app.js';
  2. import Navbar from 'framework7-vue/components/navbar.js';
  3. // register component
  4. Vue.component('f7-app', App);
  5. Vue.component('f7-navbar', Navbar);

Or they can be imported using named import from main file

  1. import { f7App, f7Navbar } from 'framework7-vue';
  2. Vue.component('f7-app', f7App);
  3. Vue.component('f7-navbar', f7Navbar);

ES Module

Framework7 Vue plugin can be imported as an ES-next module:

  1. // Import Vue
  2. import Vue from 'vue';
  3. // Import Framework7 Core
  4. import Framework7 from 'framework7/framework7-lite.js';
  5. /*
  6. Or import bundle with all components:
  7. import Framework7 from 'framework7/framework7-lite.esm.bundle.js';
  8. */
  9. // Import Framework7 Vue
  10. import Framework7Vue from 'framework7-vue';
  11. // Init plugin
  12. Framework7.use(Framework7Vue)

By default it exports only Framework7-Vue plugin without any components. To import components separately, we need to use named import:

  1. import { f7App, f7Navbar } from 'framework7-vue';

ES Module Bundle

If you need to include all Framework7-Vue components, we can include its another script bundle with all Vue components registered:

  1. // Import Vue
  2. import Vue from 'vue';
  3. // Import Framework7 Bundle
  4. import Framework7 from 'framework7/framework7-lite.esm.bundle.js';
  5. // Import Framework7-Vue with all components
  6. import Framework7Vue from 'framework7-vue/framework7-vue.esm.bundle.js';
  7. // Init plugin and register all components
  8. Framework7.use(Framework7Vue);


Note, that Framework7 and Framework7-Vue ES modules are in ES-next syntax, so don’t forget to enable/configure your Babel/Buble to transpile them as well, as well as template7, dom7 and ssr-window modules that used as dependencies.

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