5.2. 示例

图 3.52. 示例 I

示例 I

Set Dynamics to “Color From Gradient” and set Color Options to “Incandescent”. Under Fade Options, set Repeat to “Truncate”. Depending on the size of your underlying image, you might want to change the Fade length as well.

示例 I


图 3.53. 示例 II

示例 II

使用滤镜 → 渲染 → 图案 → 网格来创建一个网格。使用涂抹工具用稍大的笔刷画一条线。

示例 II

Use Filters → Render → Noise → Plasma to create the cool plasma cloud. Use the Erase Tool with a square brush to draw a line.

图 3.54. 示例 III

示例 III
