Create from Visual Studio Code


Once Golang is installed, we can formally enter golang for development. The two current mainstream editors are Goland VSCode, which will describe how to create a golang project using VSCode.

VScode download reference VSCode official net

:::Note taps Current document demo version is Version: 1.74.1 (Universal), this may be different if your VScode version is not consistent. :::

Install Go Extension

Open VScode,click on the left extension button, search Goand install it.

Create Go Project

Open VScode and click the workspace, select the specified directory or create a new folder as a project directory. Here I choose to create a new folder hellowd, return to the project.

Create go module

In the top right corner of VScode, select Toggle Panel or use shortcuts Command + J, Strike Terminal, enter go into the terminal and init helloowold, go back and create a go module.

New main.go

Create a new main.go file in the project directory HELLOWORLD, and enter the following code:

  1. package main
  2. import "fmt"
  3. func main() {
  4. fmt.Println("Hello World!")
  5. }

Run program

In the upper right corner of VScode, select Toggle Panel or use shortcut Command + J, click Terminal, enter go run main.go, go back, run the program.

  1. $ go run main.go
  2. Hello World!