goctl bug


goctl bug 是一个用于提交 goctl bug 的工具,它会自动收集 goctl 的版本信息、操作系统信息、goctl 的配置信息,然后快速在 GitHub 上创建一个 issue 模板,方便开发者快速提交 bug。


开发者只需要在终端输入如下指令,即可快速打开浏览器,创建一个 issue 模板:

  1. $ goctl bug

Github issue 模板如下:

  1. <!-- Please answer these questions before submitting your issue. Thanks! -->
  2. ### What category of issue (<code>goctl</code> or <code>sdk</code>)?
  3. ### What type of issue (<code>feature</code>|<code>bug</code>|<code>suggestion</code>)?
  4. ### What version of Goctl are you using (<code>goctl --version</code>)?
  5. <pre>
  6. $ goctl --version
  7. 1.4.3
  8. </pre>
  9. ### Does this issue reproduce with the latest release?
  10. ### What operating system and processor architecture are you using ?
  11. <pre>
  12. OS = "darwin"
  13. ARCH = "arm64"
  14. GOCTL_VERSION = "1.4.3"
  15. GO_VERSION = "go1.18.3"
  16. </pre>
  17. ### What did you do?
  18. <!--
  19. If possible, provide a recipe for reproducing the error.
  20. A complete runnable program is good.
  21. A link on play.golang.org is best.
  22. -->
  23. ### What did you expect to see?
  24. ### What did you see instead?

goctl bug - 图1说明

模板中 goctl versionOSARCHGOCTL_VERSIONGO_VERSION 信息会自动填充当前开发者系统上的信息,开发者无需手动填写。