
  1. $ gf pack -h
  2. USAGE
  3. gf pack SRC DST
  5. SRC source path for packing, which can be multiple source paths.
  6. DST destination file path for packed file. if extension of the filename is ".go" and "-n" option is given,
  7. it enables packing SRC to go file, or else it packs SRC into a binary file.
  9. -n, --name package name for output go file, it's set as its directory name if no name passed
  10. -p, --prefix prefix for each file packed into the resource file
  11. -k, --keepPath keep the source path from system to resource file, usually for relative path
  12. -h, --help more information about this command
  14. gf pack public data.bin
  15. gf pack public,template data.bin
  16. gf pack public,template packed/data.go
  17. gf pack public,template,config packed/data.go
  18. gf pack public,template,config packed/data.go -n=packed -p=/var/www/my-app
  19. gf pack /var/www/public packed/data.go -n=packed

该命令用以将任意的文件打包为资源文件或者Go代码文件,可将任意文件打包后随着可执行文件一同发布。此外,在build命令中支持打包+编译一步进行,具体请查看build命令帮助信息。关于资源管理的介绍请参考 资源管理 章节。


  1. $ gf pack public,template packed/data.go
  2. done!
  3. $ ll packed
  4. total 184
  5. -rw-r--r-- 1 john staff 89K Dec 31 00:44 data.go