Run the commands below from the master node as gpadmin user in order to validate basic functionality of the Greenplum cluster.

    1. Refresh the environment variables:

      1. $ source ~/.bashrc
    2. Show the state of the Greenplum cluster:

      1. $ gpstate
    3. Connect to the postgres database and check segment configuration information:

      1. $ psql postgres
      2. postgres=# SELECT * FROM gp_segment_configuration ORDER BY hostname;
    4. Once connected to the postgres database, verify that you can create a table, insert data to it and read it:

      1. postgres=# CREATE TABLE t AS SELECT generate_series(1, 1000000);
      2. postgres=# SELECT MIN(cnt), MAX(cnt), COUNT(cnt) FROM (SELECT COUNT(*) cnt FROM t GROUP BY gp_segment_id) tt;
      3. postgres=# DROP TABLE t;