Setting up the SockJS event bus bridge

On the server


SockJS is a client-side JavaScript library and protocol that provides a simple WebSocket-like interface for making connections to SockJS servers, irrespective of whether the actual browser or network will allow real WebSockets. It does this by supporting various different transports between browser and server, and choosing one at runtime according to their capabilities.

As a first step, we need to setup the SockJSHandler that is provided by the vertx-web project:

  1. SockJSHandler sockJSHandler = SockJSHandler.create(vertx); (1)
  2. BridgeOptions bridgeOptions = new BridgeOptions()
  3. .addInboundPermitted(new PermittedOptions().setAddress("app.markdown")) (2)
  4. .addOutboundPermitted(new PermittedOptions().setAddress("page.saved")); (3)
  5. sockJSHandler.bridge(bridgeOptions); (4)
  6. router.route("/eventbus/*").handler(sockJSHandler); (5)
  1. Create a new SockJSHandler for this vertx instance.

  2. Allow delivery of messages coming from the browser on the app.markdown address. We will use this address to get the server process the Markdown content as we edit a wiki page.

  3. Allow sending messages going to the browser on the page.saved address. We will use this address to notify browsers that a wiki page has been modified.

  4. Configure the handler to bridge SockJS traffic to the event bus.

  5. Handle all requests under the /eventbus path with the SockJS handler.


For most applications you probably do not want client side JavaScript to be able to send just any message to any handler on the server side, or to all other browsers. For example:

  • you may have a service on the event bus that allows data to be accessed or deleted, and clearly we do not want badly behaved or malicious clients to be able to delete all the data in your database,

  • we do not necessarily want any client to be able to listen on any event bus address.

To deal with this, a SockJS bridge will by default refuse any messages through. This is why it is up to you to tell the bridge what messages are ok for it to pass through (as an exception reply messages are always allowed to pass through).

On the client

Now that the server is ready to accept messages, we shall configure the client.

First, the SockJS library and the Vert.x event bus JavaScript client must be loaded. The easiest way to get started is to get the files from a public content delivery network:

  1. <script src=""
  2. crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
  3. <script src=""
  4. crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
The event bus client can be downloaded beforehand and bundled with the application. It is published on Maven, npm, bower and even webjars repositories.

Then, we create a new instance of the EventBus Javascript object:

  1. var eb = new EventBus(window.location.protocol + "//" + + "/eventbus");