

I am getting a warning about “Unable to get an update from the “stable” chart repository”

Run helm repo list. If it shows your stable repository pointing to a URL, you will need to update that repository. On November 13, 2020, the Helm Charts repo became unsupported after a year-long deprecation. An archive has been made available at but will no longer receive updates.

You can run the following command to fix your repository:

  1. $ helm repo add stable --force-update

The same goes for the incubator repository, which has an archive available at You can run the following command to repair it:

  1. $ helm repo add incubator --force-update

I am getting the warning ‘WARNING: “” is deprecated for “stable” and will be deleted Nov. 13, 2020.’

The old Google helm chart repository has been replaced by a new Helm chart repository.

Run the following command to permanently fix this:

  1. $ helm repo add stable --force-update

If you get a similar error for incubator, run this command:

  1. $ helm repo add incubator --force-update

When I add a Helm repo, I get the error ‘Error: Repo ““ is no longer available’

The Helm Chart repositories are no longer supported after a year-long deprecation period. Archives for these repositories are available at and, however they will no longer receive updates. The command helm repo add will not let you add the old URLs unless you specify --use-deprecated-repos.

On GKE (Google Container Engine) I get “No SSH tunnels currently open”

  1. Error: Error forwarding ports: error upgrading connection: No SSH tunnels currently open. Were the targets able to accept an ssh-key for user "gke-[redacted]"?

Another variation of the error message is:

  1. Unable to connect to the server: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

The issue is that your local Kubernetes config file must have the correct credentials.

When you create a cluster on GKE, it will give you credentials, including SSL certificates and certificate authorities. These need to be stored in a Kubernetes config file (Default: ~/.kube/config) so that kubectl and helm can access them.

After migration from Helm 2, helm list shows only some (or none) of my releases

It is likely that you have missed the fact that Helm 3 now uses cluster namespaces throughout to scope releases. This means that for all commands referencing a release you must either:

  • rely on the current namespace in the active kubernetes context (as described by the kubectl config view --minify command),
  • specify the correct namespace using the --namespace/-n flag, or
  • for the helm list command, specify the --all-namespaces/-A flag

This applies to helm ls, helm uninstall, and all other helm commands referencing a release.

On macOS, the file /etc/.mdns_debug is accessed. Why?

We are aware of a case on macOS where Helm will try to access a file named /etc/.mdns_debug. If the file exists, Helm holds the file handle open while it executes.

This is caused by macOS’s MDNS library. It attempts to load that file to read debugging settings (if enabled). The file handle probably should not be held open, and this issue has been reported to Apple. However, it is macOS, not Helm, that causes this behavior.

If you do not want Helm to load this file, you may be able to compile Helm to as a static library that does not use the host network stack. Doing so will inflate the binary size of Helm, but will prevent the file from being open.

This issue was originally flagged as a potential security problem. But it has since been determined that there is no flaw or vulnerability caused by this behavior.

helm repo add fails when it used to work

In helm 3.3.1 and before, the command helm repo add <reponame> <url> will give no output if you attempt to add a repo which already exists. The flag --no-update would raise an error if the repo was already registered.

In helm 3.3.2 and beyond, an attempt to add an existing repo will error:

Error: repository name (reponame) already exists, please specify a different name

The default behavior is now reversed. --no-update is now ignored, while if you want to replace (overwrite) an existing repo, you can use --force-update.

This is due to a breaking change for a security fix as explained in the Helm 3.3.2 release notes.

Enabling Kubernetes client logging

Printing log messages for debugging the Kubernetes client can be enabled using the klog flags. Using the -v flag to set verbosity level will be enough for most cases.

For example:

  1. helm list -v 6

Tiller installations stopped working and access is denied

Helm releases used to be available from As explained in “Announcing”, the official location changed in June 2019. GitHub Container Registry makes all the old Tiller images available.

If you are trying to download older versions of Helm from the storage bucket you used in the past, you may find that they are missing:

  1. <Error>
  2. <Code>AccessDenied</Code>
  3. <Message>Access denied.</Message>
  4. <Details>Anonymous caller does not have storage.objects.get access to the Google Cloud Storage object.</Details>
  5. </Error>

The legacy Tiller image location began the removal of images in August 2021. We have made these images available at the GitHub Container Registry location. For example, to download version v2.17.0, replace:


To initialize with Helm v2.17.0:

helm init —upgrade

Or if a different version is needed, use the —tiller-image flag to override the default location and install a specific Helm v2 version:

helm init --tiller-image

Note: The Helm maintainers recommend migration to a currently-supported version of Helm. Helm v2.17.0 was the final release of Helm v2; Helm v2 is unsupported since November 2020, as detailed in Helm 2 and the Charts Project Are Now Unsupported. Many CVEs have been flagged against Helm since then, and those exploits are patched in Helm v3 but will never be patched in Helm v2. See the current list of published Helm advisories and make a plan to migrate to Helm v3 today.

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