
Helm 3 supports OCI for package distribution. Chart packages are able to bestored and shared across OCI-based registries.

Enabling OCI Support

Currently OCI support is considered experimental.

In order to use the commands described below, please set HELM_EXPERIMENTAL_OCIin the enironment:


Running a registry

Starting a registry for test purposes is trivial. As long as you have Dockerinstalled, run the following command:

  1. docker run -dp 5000:5000 --restart=always --name registry registry

This will start a registry server at localhost:5000.

Use docker logs -f registry to see the logs and docker rm -f registry tostop.

If you wish to persist storage, you can add -v$(pwd)/registry:/var/lib/registry to the command above.

For more configuration options, please see thedocs.


If you wish to enable auth on the registry, you can do the following-

First, create file auth.htpasswd with username and password combo:

  1. htpasswd -cB -b auth.htpasswd myuser mypass

Then, start the server, mounting that file and setting the REGISTRY_AUTH envvar:

  1. docker run -dp 5000:5000 --restart=always --name registry \
  2. -v $(pwd)/auth.htpasswd:/etc/docker/registry/auth.htpasswd \
  3. -e REGISTRY_AUTH="{htpasswd: {realm: localhost, path: /etc/docker/registry/auth.htpasswd}}" \
  4. registry

Commands for working with registries

Commands are available under both helm registry and helm chart that allowyou to work with registries and local cache.

The registry subcommand


login to a registry (with manual password entry)

  1. $ helm registry login -u myuser localhost:5000
  2. Password:
  3. Login succeeded


logout from a registry

  1. $ helm registry logout localhost:5000
  2. Logout succeeded

The chart subcommand


save a chart directory to local cache

  1. $ helm chart save mychart/ localhost:5000/myrepo/mychart:2.7.0
  2. ref: localhost:5000/myrepo/mychart:2.7.0
  3. digest: 1b251d38cfe948dfc0a5745b7af5ca574ecb61e52aed10b19039db39af6e1617
  4. size: 2.4 KiB
  5. name: mychart
  6. version: 0.1.0
  7. 2.7.0: saved


list all saved charts

  1. $ helm chart list
  3. localhost:5000/myrepo/mychart:2.7.0 mychart 2.7.0 84059d7 454 B 27 seconds
  4. localhost:5000/stable/acs-engine-autoscaler:2.2.2 acs-engine-autoscaler 2.2.2 d8d6762 4.3 KiB 2 hours
  5. localhost:5000/stable/aerospike:0.2.1 aerospike 0.2.1 4aff638 3.7 KiB 2 hours
  6. localhost:5000/stable/airflow:0.13.0 airflow 0.13.0 c46cc43 28.1 KiB 2 hours
  7. localhost:5000/stable/anchore-engine:0.10.0 anchore-engine 0.10.0 3f3dcd7 34.3 KiB 2 hours
  8. ...


export a chart to directory

  1. $ helm chart export localhost:5000/myrepo/mychart:2.7.0
  2. ref: localhost:5000/myrepo/mychart:2.7.0
  3. digest: 1b251d38cfe948dfc0a5745b7af5ca574ecb61e52aed10b19039db39af6e1617
  4. size: 2.4 KiB
  5. name: mychart
  6. version: 0.1.0
  7. Exported chart to mychart/


push a chart to remote

  1. $ helm chart push localhost:5000/myrepo/mychart:2.7.0
  2. The push refers to repository [localhost:5000/myrepo/mychart]
  3. ref: localhost:5000/myrepo/mychart:2.7.0
  4. digest: 1b251d38cfe948dfc0a5745b7af5ca574ecb61e52aed10b19039db39af6e1617
  5. size: 2.4 KiB
  6. name: mychart
  7. version: 0.1.0
  8. 2.7.0: pushed to remote (1 layer, 2.4 KiB total)


remove a chart from cache

  1. $ helm chart remove localhost:5000/myrepo/mychart:2.7.0
  2. 2.7.0: removed


pull a chart from remote

  1. $ helm chart pull localhost:5000/myrepo/mychart:2.7.0
  2. 2.7.0: Pulling from localhost:5000/myrepo/mychart
  3. ref: localhost:5000/myrepo/mychart:2.7.0
  4. digest: 1b251d38cfe948dfc0a5745b7af5ca574ecb61e52aed10b19039db39af6e1617
  5. size: 2.4 KiB
  6. name: mychart
  7. version: 0.1.0
  8. Status: Downloaded newer chart for localhost:5000/myrepo/mychart:2.7.0

Where are my charts?

Charts stored using the commands above will be cached on the filesystem.

The OCI Image LayoutSpecificationis adhered to strictly for filesystem layout, for example:

  1. $ tree ~/Library/Caches/helm/
  2. /Users/myuser/Library/Caches/helm/
  3. └── registry
  4. ├── cache
  5. ├── blobs
  6. └── sha256
  7. ├── 1b251d38cfe948dfc0a5745b7af5ca574ecb61e52aed10b19039db39af6e1617
  8. ├── 31fb454efb3c69fafe53672598006790122269a1b3b458607dbe106aba7059ef
  9. └── 8ec7c0f2f6860037c19b54c3cfbab48d9b4b21b485a93d87b64690fdb68c2111
  10. ├── index.json
  11. ├── ingest
  12. └── oci-layout
  13. └── config.json

Example index.json, which contains refs to all Helm chart manifests:

  1. $ cat ~/Library/Caches/helm/registry/cache/index.json | jq
  2. {
  3. "schemaVersion": 2,
  4. "manifests": [
  5. {
  6. "mediaType": "application/vnd.oci.image.manifest.v1+json",
  7. "digest": "sha256:31fb454efb3c69fafe53672598006790122269a1b3b458607dbe106aba7059ef",
  8. "size": 354,
  9. "annotations": {
  10. "": "localhost:5000/myrepo/mychart:2.7.0"
  11. }
  12. }
  13. ]
  14. }

Example Helm chart manifest (note the mediaType fields):

  1. $ cat ~/Library/Caches/helm/registry/cache/blobs/sha256/31fb454efb3c69fafe53672598006790122269a1b3b458607dbe106aba7059ef | jq
  2. {
  3. "schemaVersion": 2,
  4. "config": {
  5. "mediaType": "application/vnd.cncf.helm.config.v1+json",
  6. "digest": "sha256:8ec7c0f2f6860037c19b54c3cfbab48d9b4b21b485a93d87b64690fdb68c2111",
  7. "size": 117
  8. },
  9. "layers": [
  10. {
  11. "mediaType": "application/vnd.cncf.helm.chart.content.layer.v1+tar",
  12. "digest": "sha256:1b251d38cfe948dfc0a5745b7af5ca574ecb61e52aed10b19039db39af6e1617",
  13. "size": 2487
  14. }
  15. ]
  16. }

Migrating from chart repos

Migrating from classic chart repositories(index.yaml-based repos) is as simple as a helm fetch (Helm 2 CLI), helmchart save, helm chart push.