How to use HStream connectors

This tutorial describes how to use HStream connectors.


Up to the present, we only provide two built-in sink connectors which can subscribe data from streams and write them into mysql and clickhouse.


Make sure you have HStreamDB running and accessible. Also available mysql and clickhouse service are required if you want to use related connectors.

Create Built-In Connectors

Currently, we provide two built-in connectors, mysql sink connector and clickhouse sink connector.


  1. CREATE SINK CONNECTOR connector_name [IF NOT EXIST] WITH (connector_options [...]);

There are some connector options provided to create connector such as database password, database name, username, database host and port. Type is the only required connector option. Until now, the only supported type values are mysql and clickhouse.

Mysql Connector

connector options and default value for mysql includes:

  1. username = "root"
  2. password = "password"
  3. host = ""
  4. port = 3306
  5. database = "mysql"

An example to create a mysql connector which subscribes from stream source and write data to mysql looks like:

  1. CREATE SINK CONNECTOR mysql WITH (type = mysql, host = "", stream = source);

The mysql table name will be the same as the stream name.

Clickhouse Connector

connector options and default value for clickhouse includes:

  1. username = "default"
  2. password = ""
  3. host = ""
  4. port = "9000"
  5. database = "default"

An example to create a clickhouse connector which subscribes from stream source and write data to clickhouse looks like:

  1. CREATE SINK CONNECTOR mysql WITH (type = clickhouse, host = "", stream = source);

The clickhouse table name will be the same as the stream name.

Check the result

Once you create a connector which subscribe a particular stream and write data to external systems, each time there are new data insert into the stream, the data will be write into connected external system in a very short time gap.

For example, if you create mysql connector like this:

  1. CREATE SINK CONNECTOR mysql WITH (type = mysql, host = "", stream = source);

Since the stream data shema is always known advanced, we assume the mysql table named source is created advanced. The table schema should looks as the same of stream. In this example, we will insert data looks like (temperature, humidity) VALUES (12, 84). Both temperature and humidity are numbers.

So if the mysql table is not exist in the default database mysql yet, you might create the mysql table in this way:

  1. use mysql;
  2. CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS source (temperature INT, humidity INT) CHARACTER SET utf8;

After you insert some data in streams by:

  1. INSERT INTO source (temperature, humidity) VALUES (12, 84);
  2. INSERT INTO source (temperature, humidity) VALUES (13, 83);
  3. INSERT INTO source (temperature, humidity) VALUES (14, 82);

You should found your data in mysql table very soon after the insertion are done.