
Option 1 : Dashboard in Docker

Prepare Docker Image

pull image from central hub:

  1. docker pull inlong/dashboard:latest


  1. # MANAGER_API_ADDRESS must be replaced by inlong-manager address
  2. docker run -d --name dashboard -e MANAGER_API_ADDRESS= -p 80:80 inlong/dashboard

Option 2 : Dashboard in Nginx

For example, please replace the value according to the path of inlong-dashboard and the manager service address:

  1. server {
  2. listen 80;
  3. listen [::]:80;
  4. server_name _;
  5. root ${dashboard_installed_path};
  6. # API prefix of InlongManager
  7. location /inlong/manager {
  8. proxy_pass http://{manager_api_address};
  9. }
  10. }