
Iris uses a custom version of muxie.

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📖 Fires 200000 requests with a dynamic parameter of int, sends JSON as request body and receives JSON as response.

Name Language Reqs/sec Latency Throughput Time To Complete
Iris Go 150430 826.05us 41.25MB 1.33s
Chi Go 146274 0.85ms 39.32MB 1.37s
Gin Go 141664 0.88ms 38.74MB 1.41s
Echo Go 138915 0.90ms 38.15MB 1.44s
Kestrel C# 136935 0.91ms 39.79MB 1.47s
Martini Go 128590 0.97ms 34.57MB 1.56s
Buffalo Go 58954 2.12ms 16.18MB 3.40s
Koa Javascript 50948 2.61ms 14.15MB 4.19s
Express Javascript 38451 3.24ms 13.77MB 5.21s