
JumpServer 部署环境要求可点击后进行参考

1 安装部署

  • 支持主流 Linux 发行版本(基于 Debian / RedHat,包括国产操作系统)
  • Gentoo / Arch Linux 请通过 源码安装


  1. // root@localhost:/opt#
  2. $ curl -sSL | bash
  3. ---> 100%
  4. <span style="color: green;">[Success]</span>: download install script to /opt/jumpserver-installer-v3.0.1
  5. [Info]: Start executing the installation script.
  6. [Info]: In an automated script deployment, note the message prompts on the screen.
  7. ---> 100%
  8. <span style="color: green;">[Success]</span>: The Installation is Complete.
  9. For more commands, you can enter <span style="color: red;">jmsctl --help</span> to view help information.
  1. // root@localhost:/opt#
  2. $ curl -sSL | bash
  3. ---> 100%
  4. <span style="color: green;">[Success]</span>: download install script to /opt/jumpserver-installer-v3.0.1
  5. [Info]: Start executing the installation script.
  6. [Info]: In an automated script deployment, note the message prompts on the screen.
  7. ---> 100%
  8. <span style="color: green;">[Success]</span>: The Installation is Complete.
  9. For more commands, you can enter <span style="color: red;">jmsctl --help</span> to view help information.

安装完成后 JumpServer 配置文件路径为: /opt/jumpserver/config/config.txt

  1. cd /opt/jumpserver-installer-v3.0.1
  2. # 启动
  3. ./ start
  4. # 停止
  5. ./ down
  6. # 卸载
  7. ./ uninstall
  8. # 帮助
  9. ./ -h

2 环境访问

安装成功后,通过浏览器访问如下信息登录 JumpServer:

  1. 地址: http://目标服务器IP地址:服务运行端口
  2. 用户名: admin
  3. 密码: admin #第一次登陆需要修改密码
