To create an application, you probably need authentication.
The simplest cookie-based session module is koa-session.
For CSRF protection, we’ve included koa-csrf.
For body parsing, we’ve included co-body.
Be sure to read the documentation on these middleware.


Let’s create a very simple app with login and logout features.
Let’s define the following routes:

  • / - If the user logs in, they should see hello world.
    Otherwise, they should see a 401 error because they aren’t logged in.
  • /login - if the method is GET, a form should be returned.
    If the method is POST, it should validate the request body
    and attempt to login the user.
  • /logout - it should logout the user.

We’re not actually going to create users in this example.
The only acceptable authentication is:

  1. username = username
  2. password = password

Mark the user as authenticated by populating this.session.authenticated.
If this.session.authenticated exists, then the user is considered logged in.
In real life, you’d want to set this.session.userid= or something to specify the user.

For more specifics on how the app should work, consult the tests!
If you’d like to test it out on your computer,
run PORT=3000 node --harmony-generators index.js and open localhost:3000 in your browser.