Get Started with Dynamic Plugin Ordering

Here are some common use cases for dynamic plugin ordering.

Rate limiting before authentication

Let’s say you want to limit the amount of requests against your service and route before Kong requests authentication. You can describe this dependency with the token before.

The following example uses the Rate Limiting Advanced plugin with the Key Authentication plugin as the authentication method.

Admin API


decK (YAML)

Call the Admin API on port 8001 and enable the rate-limiting plugin, configuring it to run before key-auth:



  1. curl -i -X POST http://<admin-hostname>:8001/plugins \
  2. --data name=rate-limiting \
  3. --data config.minute=5 \
  4. --data config.policy=local \
  5. --data config.limit_by=ip \
  6. --data ordering.before.access=key-auth
  1. http -f post :8001/plugins \
  2. name=rate-limiting \
  3. config.minute=5 \
  4. config.policy=local \
  5. config.limit_by=ip \
  6. ordering.before.access=key-auth
  1. apiVersion:
  2. kind: KongClusterPlugin
  3. metadata:
  4. name: limit-before-key-auth
  5. labels:
  6. global: "true"
  7. annotations:
  8. "kong"
  9. config:
  10. minute: 5
  11. policy: local
  12. limit_by: ip
  13. plugin: rate-limiting
  14. ordering:
  15. before:
  16. access:
  17. - key-auth
  1. Add a new plugins section to the bottom of your kong.yaml file. Enable rate-limiting and set the plugin to run before key-auth:

    1. plugins:
    2. - name: rate-limiting
    3. config:
    4. minute: 5
    5. policy: local
    6. limit_by: ip
    7. ordering:
    8. before:
    9. access:
    10. - key-auth

    Your file should now look like this:

    1. _format_version: "3.0"
    2. services:
    3. - host:
    4. name: example_service
    5. port: 80
    6. protocol: http
    7. routes:
    8. - name: mocking
    9. paths:
    10. - /mock
    11. strip_path: true
    12. plugins:
    13. - name: rate-limiting
    14. config:
    15. minute: 5
    16. policy: local
    17. limit_by: ip
    18. ordering:
    19. before:
    20. access:
    21. - key-auth

    This plugin will be applied globally, which means the rate limiting applies to all requests, including every Service and Route in the Workspace.

    If you pasted the plugin section under an existing Service, Route, or Consumer, the rate limiting would only apply to that specific entity.

    Note: By default, enabled is set to true for the plugin. You can disable the plugin at any time by setting enabled: false.

  2. Sync the configuration:

    1. deck sync

Authentication after request transformation

The following example is similar to running rate limiting before authentication.

For example, you may want to first transform a request, then request authentication after transformation. You can describe this dependency with the token after.

Instead of changing the order of the Request Transformer plugin, you can change the order of the authentication plugin (Basic Authentication, in this example).

Admin API


decK (YAML)

Call the Admin API on port 8001 and enable the basic-auth plugin, configuring it to run after request-transformer:



  1. curl -i -X POST http://<admin-hostname>:8001/plugins \
  2. --data name=basic-auth \
  3. --data ordering.after.access=request-transformer
  1. http -f post :8001/plugins \
  2. name=basic-auth \
  3. ordering.after.access=request-transformer
  1. apiVersion:
  2. kind: KongClusterPlugin
  3. metadata:
  4. name: auth-after-transform
  5. labels:
  6. global: "true"
  7. annotations:
  8. "kong"
  9. plugin: basic-auth
  10. ordering:
  11. after:
  12. access:
  13. - request-transformer
  1. Add a new plugins section to the bottom of your kong.yaml file. Enable basic-auth and set the plugin to run after request-transformer:

    1. plugins:
    2. - name: basic-auth
    3. config: {}
    4. ordering:
    5. after:
    6. access:
    7. - request-transformer

    Your file should now look like this:

    1. _format_version: "3.0"
    2. services:
    3. - host:
    4. name: example_service
    5. port: 80
    6. protocol: http
    7. routes:
    8. - name: mocking
    9. paths:
    10. - /mock
    11. strip_path: true
    12. plugins:
    13. - name: basic-auth
    14. config: {}
    15. ordering:
    16. after:
    17. access:
    18. - request-transformer

    Note: By default, enabled is set to true for the plugin. You can disable the plugin at any time by setting enabled: false.

  2. Sync the configuration:

    1. deck sync