Documentation guidelines

CLI commands

kops uses cobra for its CLI implementation. Each command should have the following help fields defined where possible:

  • Short: A short statement describing the command in the third person present, starting with a capital letter and ending without a period.
  • Example: "Edits a cluster"

  • Long: An expanded description and usage of the command in the third person present tense, starting with a capital letter and ending with a period. The text from the Short field should be the first sentence in the Long field.Example:

  1. Edits a cluster.
  3. This command changes the cloud specification in the registry.
  5. It does not update the cloud resources, to apply the changes use "kops update cluster".
  • Example: Example(s) of how to use the command. This field is formatted as a code snippet in the docs, so make sure if you have comments that these are written as a bash comment (e.g. # this is a comment).


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