Testing tips

If you are running kops as part of an e2e test, the following tips may be useful.

CI Kubernetes Build

Set the KubernetesVersion to a http:// or https:// base url, such as https://storage.googleapis.com/kubernetes-release-dev/ci/v1.4.0-alpha.2.677+ea69570f61af8e/

We expect the base url to have bin/linux/amd64 directory containing:

  • kubelet
  • kubelet.sha1
  • kubectl
  • kubectl.sha1
  • kube-apiserver.docker_tag
  • kube-apiserver.tar
  • kube-apiserver.tar.sha1
  • kube-controller-manager.docker_tag
  • kube-controller-manager.tar
  • kube-controller-manager.tar.sha1
  • kube-proxy.docker_tag
  • kube-proxy.tar
  • kube-proxy.tar.sha1
  • kube-scheduler.docker_tag
  • kube-scheduler.tar
  • kube-scheduler.tar.sha1

Do this with kops edit cluster <clustername>. The spec should look like

  1. ...
  2. spec:
  3. kubernetesVersion: "https://storage.googleapis.com/kubernetes-release-dev/ci/v1.4.0-alpha.2.677+ea69570f61af8e/"
  4. cloudProvider: aws
  5. etcdClusters:
  6. - etcdMembers:
  7. - name: us-east-1c
  8. zone: us-east-1c
  9. name: main
  10. ...

Running the kubernetes e2e test suite

The simple way:

  1. # cd wherever you tend to put git repos
  2. git clone https://github.com/kubernetes/test-infra.git
  3. export KOPS_E2E_STATE_STORE=s3://your-kops-state-store # Change to your state store path
  4. export KOPS_E2E_CLUSTER_NAME=e2e.cluster.name # Change to an FQDN for your e2e cluster name
  5. test-infra/jobs/ci-kubernetes-e2e-kops-aws.sh |& tee /tmp/testlog


  • Brings up a cluster using the latest kops build from master (see below for how to use your current build)
  • Runs the default series of tests (which the Kubernetes team is alsorunning here) (see below for how to override the test list)
  • Tears down the cluster
  • Pipes all output to /tmp/testlog

(Note: By default this script assumes that your AWS credentials are in~/.aws/credentials, and the SSH keypair you want to use is~/.ssh/kube_aws_rsa. You can override JENKINS_AWS_CREDENTIALS_FILE,JENKINS_AWS_SSH_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE and JENKINS_AWS_SSH_PUBLIC_KEY_FILE if youwant to change this.)

This isn’t yet terribly useful, though - it just shows how to replicate theexisting job, but not with your custom code. To test a custom kops build, youcan do the following:

  1. # cd to your kops repo
  2. export S3_BUCKET_NAME=<yourbucketname>
  3. make kops-install upload S3_BUCKET=s3://${S3_BUCKET_NAME} VERSION=dev
  4. export KOPS_BASE_URL=https://${S3_BUCKET_NAME}.s3.amazonaws.com/kops/dev/
  5. kops create cluster <clustername> --zones us-east-1b

Then follow the test directions above.

To override the test list for the job, you need to familiar with theginkgo.focus and ginkgo.skipflags. Using these flags, you can do:

  1. export GINKGO_TEST_ARGS="--ginkgo.focus=\[Feature:Performance\]"

and follow the instructions above. Here are some other examples from the e2e.go documentation..

If you want to test against an existing cluster, you can do:

  1. export E2E_UP=false; export E2E_DOWN=false

and follow the instructions above. This is particularly useful for testing themyriad of kops configuration/topology options without having to modify thetesting infrastructure. Note: This is also the only way currently to test acustom Kubernetes build(seekubernetes/test-infra#1454).

Uploading a custom build

If you want to upload a custom Kubernetes build, here is a simple way (note:this assumes you’ve run make quick-release in the Kubernetes repo first):

  1. # cd wherever you tend to put git repos
  2. git clone https://github.com/kubernetes/release.git
  3. # cd back to your kubernetes repo
  4. /path/to/release/push-build.sh # Fix /path/to/release with wherever you cloned the release repo

That will upload the release to a GCS bucket and make it public. You can thenuse the outputted URL in kops with --kubernetes-version.

If you need it private in S3, here’s a manual way:

  1. make quick-release
  2. cd ./_output/release-tars/
  3. # ??? rm -rf kubernetes/
  4. tar zxf kubernetes-server-linux-amd64.tar.gz
  5. rm kubernetes/server/bin/federation*
  6. rm kubernetes/server/bin/hyperkube
  7. rm kubernetes/server/bin/kubeadm
  8. rm kubernetes/server/bin/kube-apiserver
  9. rm kubernetes/server/bin/kube-controller-manager
  10. rm kubernetes/server/bin/kube-discovery
  11. rm kubernetes/server/bin/kube-dns
  12. rm kubernetes/server/bin/kubemark
  13. rm kubernetes/server/bin/kube-proxy
  14. rm kubernetes/server/bin/kube-scheduler
  15. rm kubernetes/kubernetes-src.tar.gz
  16. find kubernetes/server/bin -type f -name "*.tar" | xargs -I {} /bin/bash -c "sha1sum {} | cut -f1 -d ' ' > {}.sha1"
  17. find kubernetes/server/bin -type f -name "kube???" | xargs -I {} /bin/bash -c "sha1sum {} | cut -f1 -d ' ' > {}.sha1"
  18. aws s3 sync --acl public-read kubernetes/server/bin/ s3://${S3_BUCKET_NAME}/kubernetes/dev/v1.6.0-dev/bin/linux/amd64/

Example e2e command

  1. go run hack/e2e.go -v -up -down -kops `which kops` -kops-cluster test.test-aws.k8s.io -kops-state s3://k8s-kops-state-store/ -kops-nodes=
  2. 4 -deployment kops --kops-kubernetes-version https://storage.googleapis.com/kubernetes-release-dev/ci/$(curl -SsL https://storage.googleapis.com/kubernetes-release-dev/ci/latest-green.txt)

(note the v1.6.0-dev: we insert a kubernetes version so that kops canautomatically detect which k8s version is in use, which it uses to controlflags that are not compatible between versions)


  • kops create cluster ... --kubernetes-version https://${S3_BUCKET_NAME}.s3.amazonaws.com/kubernetes/dev/v1.6.0-dev/

  • for an existing cluster: kops edit cluster and set KubernetesVersion to https://${S3_BUCKET_NAME}.s3.amazonaws.com/kubernetes/dev/v1.6.0-dev/