CSS DSL extends HTML DSL and allows you to author stylesheets in Kotlin by using the kotlin-css wrapper.


CSS DSL - 图1

Learn how to serve stylesheets as static content from Serving Static Content.

Add Dependencies

CSS DSL doesn’t need installation, but requires including the following artifacts in the build script:

  1. The ktor-html-builder artifact for HTML DSL:

    CSS DSL - 图2

    Gradle (Groovy)

    Gradle (Kotlin)


    CSS DSL - 图3

    1. implementation "io.ktor:ktor-html-builder:$ktor_version"
  1. The kotlin-css-jvm artifact for building CSS:

    CSS DSL - 图4

    Gradle (Groovy)

    Gradle (Kotlin)


    CSS DSL - 图5

    1. implementation "org.jetbrains:kotlin-css-jvm:$1.0.0-pre.129-kotlin-1.4.20"


To send a CSS response, you need to extend ApplicationCall by adding the respondCss method to serialize a stylesheet into a string and send it to the client with the CSS content type:

  1. suspend inline fun ApplicationCall.respondCss(builder: CSSBuilder.() -> Unit) {
  2. this.respondText(CSSBuilder().apply(builder).toString(), ContentType.Text.CSS)
  3. }

Then, you can provide CSS inside the required route:

  1. get("/styles.css") {
  2. call.respondCss {
  3. body {
  4. backgroundColor = Color.darkBlue
  5. margin(0.px)
  6. }
  7. rule("h1.page-title") {
  8. color = Color.white
  9. }
  10. }
  11. }

Finally, you can use the specified CSS for an HTML document created with HTML DSL:

  1. get("/html-dsl") {
  2. call.respondHtml {
  3. head {
  4. link(rel = "stylesheet", href = "/styles.css", type = "text/css")
  5. }
  6. body {
  7. h1(classes = "page-title") {
  8. +"Hello from Ktor!"
  9. }
  10. }
  11. }
  12. }