Webhook Example

This chapter walks through a simple webhook implementation.

It uses the controller-runtime libraries to implementa Webhook Server and Manager.

Same as controllers, a Webhook Server is aRunable which needs to be registered to a manager.Arbitrary number of Runables can be registered to a manager,so a webhook server can run with other controllers in the same manager.They will share the same dependencies provided by the manager. For example, shared cache, client, scheme, etc.


Way to Deploy your Webhook Server

There are various ways to deploy the webhook server in terms of

  • Where the serving certificates live.
  • In what environment the webhook server runs, in a pod or directly on a VM, etc.
  • If in a pod, on what type of node, worker nodes or master node.The recommended way to deploy the webhook server is

  • Run the webhook server as a regular pod on worker nodes through a workload API, e.g. Deployment or StatefulSet.

  • Put the certificate in a k8s secret in the same namespace as the webhook server
  • Mount the secret as a volume in the pod
  • Create a k8s service to front the webhook server.

Creating a Handler

The business logic for a Webhook exists in a Handler.A Handler implements the admission.Handler interface, which contains a single Handle method.

If a Handler implements inject.Client and inject.Decoder interfaces,the manager will automatically inject the client and the decoder into the Handler.

Note: The client.Client provided by the manager reads from a cache which is lazily initialized.To eagerly initialize the cache, perform a read operation with the client before starting the server.

podAnnotator is a Handler, which implements the admission.Handler, inject.Client and inject.Decoder interfaces.

Details about how to implement an admission webhook podAnnotator is covered in a later section.

  1. type podAnnotator struct {
  2. client client.Client
  3. decoder types.Decoder
  4. }
  5. // podAnnotator implements admission.Handler.
  6. var _ admission.Handler = &podAnnotator{}
  7. func (a *podAnnotator) Handle(ctx context.Context, req types.Request) types.Response {
  8. ...
  9. }
  10. // podAnnotator implements inject.Client.
  11. var _ inject.Client = &podAnnotator{}
  12. // InjectClient injects the client into the podAnnotator
  13. func (a *podAnnotator) InjectClient(c client.Client) error {
  14. a.client = c
  15. return nil
  16. }
  17. // podAnnotator implements inject.Decoder.
  18. var _ inject.Decoder = &podAnnotator{}
  19. // InjectDecoder injects the decoder into the podAnnotator
  20. func (a *podAnnotator) InjectDecoder(d types.Decoder) error {
  21. a.decoder = d
  22. return nil
  23. }

Configuring a Webhook and Registering the Handler

A Webhook configures what type of requests the Handler should accept from the apiserver. Options include:

  • The type of the Operations (CRUD)
  • The type of the Targets (Deployment, Pod, etc)
  • The type of the Handler (Mutating, Validating)When the Server starts, it will register all Webhook Configurations with the apiserver to start accepting androuting requests to the Handlers.

controller-runtime provides a useful package forbuilding a webhook.You can incrementally set the configuration of a webhook and then invoke Build to complete building a webhook.

If you want to specify the name and(or) path for your webhook instead of using the default, you can invokeName("yourname") and Path("/yourpath") respectively.

  1. wh, err := builder.NewWebhookBuilder().
  2. Mutating().
  3. Operations(admissionregistrationv1beta1.Create).
  4. ForType(&corev1.Pod{}).
  5. Handlers(&podAnnotator{}).
  6. WithManager(mgr).
  7. Build()
  8. if err != nil {
  9. // handle error
  10. }

Creating a Server

A Server registers Webhook Configuration with the apiserver and creates an HTTP server to route requests to the handlers.

The server is behind a Kubernetes Service and provides a certificate to the apiserver when serving requests.

The Server depends on a Kubernetes Secret containing this certificate to be mounted under CertDir.The Secret needs to present but not have to be prepopulated before the manager pod starts.

If the Secret is empty, during bootstrapping the Server will generate a certificate and write it into the Secret.

A new webhook server can be created by invoking webhook.NewServer.The Server will be registered to the provided manager.You can specify Port, CertDir and various BootstrapOptions.For the full list of Server options, please see GoDoc.

  1. svr, err := webhook.NewServer("foo-admission-server", mgr, webhook.ServerOptions{
  2. CertDir: "/tmp/cert",
  3. BootstrapOptions: &webhook.BootstrapOptions{
  4. Secret: &types.NamespacedName{
  5. Namespace: "default",
  6. Name: "foo-admission-server-secret",
  7. },
  8. Service: &webhook.Service{
  9. Namespace: "default",
  10. Name: "foo-admission-server-service",
  11. // Selectors should select the pods that runs this webhook server.
  12. Selectors: map[string]string{
  13. "app": "foo-admission-server",
  14. },
  15. },
  16. },
  17. })
  18. if err != nil {
  19. // handle error
  20. }

Registering a Webhook with the Server

You can register webhook(s) in the webhook server by invoking svr.Register(wh).

Implementing Webhook Handler

Implementing the Handler Business Logic

decoder types.Decoder is a decoder that knows how the decode all core type and your CRD types.

client client.Client is a client that knows how to talk to the API server.

The guideline of returning HTTP status code is that:

  • If the server decides to admit the request, it should return 200 and setAllowedto true.
  • If the server rejects the request due to an admission policy reason, it should return 200, setAllowedto false and provide an informational message as reason.
  • If the request is not well formatted, the server should reject it with 400 (Bad Request) and an error message.
  • If the server encounters an unexpected error during processing, it should reject the request with 500 (Internal Error).controller-runtime provides various helper methods for constructing Response.

  • ErrorResponse for rejecting a request due to an error.

  • PatchResponse for mutating webook to admit a request with patches.
  • ValidationResponse for admitting or rejecting a request with a reason message.
  1. type podAnnotator struct {
  2. client client.Client
  3. decoder types.Decoder
  4. }
  5. // podAnnotator Iimplements admission.Handler.
  6. var _ admission.Handler = &podAnnotator{}
  7. // podAnnotator adds an annotation to every incoming pods.
  8. func (a *podAnnotator) Handle(ctx context.Context, req types.Request) types.Response {
  9. pod := &corev1.Pod{}
  10. err := a.decoder.Decode(req, pod)
  11. if err != nil {
  12. return admission.ErrorResponse(http.StatusBadRequest, err)
  13. }
  14. copy := pod.DeepCopy()
  15. err = a.mutatePodsFn(ctx, copy)
  16. if err != nil {
  17. return admission.ErrorResponse(http.StatusInternalServerError, err)
  18. }
  19. // admission.PatchResponse generates a Response containing patches.
  20. return admission.PatchResponse(pod, copy)
  21. }
  22. // mutatePodsFn add an annotation to the given pod
  23. func (a *podAnnotator) mutatePodsFn(ctx context.Context, pod *corev1.Pod) error {
  24. if pod.Annotations == nil {
  25. pod.Annotations = map[string]string{}
  26. }
  27. pod.Annotations["example-mutating-admission-webhook"] = "foo"
  28. return nil
  29. }