Setup KubeEdge


  1. vi /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-apiserver.yaml
  2. # Add the following flags in spec: containers: -command section
  3. - --insecure-port=8080
  4. - --insecure-bind-address=
  • Go The minimum required go version is 1.11. You can install this version by using this website.

  • (Optional)KubeEdge also supports https connection to Kubernetes apiserver. Follow the steps in Kubernetes Documentation to create the kubeconfig file.

Enter the path to kubeconfig file in controller.yaml

  1. controller:
  2. kube:
  3. ...
  4. kubeconfig: "path_to_kubeconfig_file" #Enter path to kubeconfig file to enable https connection to k8s apiserver

Clone KubeEdge

  1. git clone $GOPATH/src/
  2. cd $GOPATH/src/

Configuring MQTT mode

The Edge part of KubeEdge uses MQTT for communication between deviceTwin and devices. KubeEdge supports 3 MQTT modes:

  • internalMqttMode: internal mqtt broker is enabled.
  • bothMqttMode: internal as well as external broker are enabled.
  • externalMqttMode: only external broker is enabled.Use mode field in edge.yaml to select the desired mode.

To use KubeEdge in double mqtt or external mode, you need to make sure that mosquitto or emqx edge is installed on the edge node as an MQTT Broker.

Generate Certificates

RootCA certificate and a cert/key pair is required to have a setup for KubeEdge. Same cert/key pair can be used in both cloud and edge.

  1. # $GOPATH/src/ genCertAndKey edge

The cert/key will be generated in the /etc/kubeedge/ca and /etc/kubeedge/certs respectively.

Run KubeEdge

Run Cloud

Run as a binary

  • Firstly, make sure gcc is already installed on your host. You can verify it via:
  1. gcc --version
  • Build Cloud and edge
  1. cd $GOPATH/src/
  2. make
  • Build Cloud
  1. cd $GOPATH/src/
  2. make all WHAT=cloud
  • The path to the generated certificates should be updated in $GOPATH/src/ Please update the correct paths for the following :

    • cloudhub.cert
    • cloudhub.key
  • Create device model and device CRDs.
  1. cd $GOPATH/src/
  2. kubectl create -f devices_v1alpha1_devicemodel.yaml
  3. kubectl create -f devices_v1alpha1_device.yaml
  • Run cloud
  1. cd $GOPATH/src/
  2. # run edge controller
  3. # `conf/` should be in the same directory as the cloned KubeEdge repository
  4. # verify the configurations before running cloud(edgecontroller)
  5. ./edgecontroller

Run as Kubernetes deployment

Run Edge

Deploy the Edge node

We have provided a sample node.json to add a node in kubernetes. Please make sure edge-node is added in kubernetes. Run below steps to add edge-node.

  • Modify the $GOPATH/src/ file and change to the name of the edge node

  • Make sure role is set to edge for the node. For this a key of the form "" must be present in labels tag of metadata.

  • Please ensure to add the label to the build/node.json file.

  1. {
  2. "kind": "Node",
  3. "apiVersion": "v1",
  4. "metadata": {
  5. "name": "fb4ebb70-2783-42b8-b3ef-63e2fd6d242e",
  6. "labels": {
  7. "name": "edge-node",
  8. "": ""
  9. }
  10. }
  11. }
  • If role is not set for the node, the pods, configmaps and secrets created/updated in the cloud cannot be synced with the node they are targeted for.

  • Deploy node

  1. kubectl apply -f $GOPATH/src/
  • Transfer the certificate file to the edge node

Run Edge

Run as a binary
  • Build Edge
  1. cd $GOPATH/src/
  2. make all WHAT=edge

KubeEdge can also be cross compiled to run on ARM based processors.Please follow the instructions given below or click Cross Compilation for detailed instructions.

  1. cd $GOPATH/src/
  2. make edge_cross_build

KubeEdge can also be compiled with a small binary size. Please follow the below steps to build a binary of lesser size:

  1. apt-get install upx-ucl
  2. cd $GOPATH/src/
  3. make edge_small_build

Note: If you are using the smaller version of the binary, it is compressed using upx, therefore the possible side effects of using upx compressed binaries like more RAM usage,lower performance, whole code of program being loaded instead of it being on-demand, not allowing sharing of memory which may cause the code to be loaded to memorymore than once etc. are applicable here as well.

  • Modify the $GOPATH/src/ configuration file

    • Replace edgehub.websocket.certfile and edgehub.websocket.keyfile with your own certificate path
    • Update the IP address of the master in the websocket.url field.
    • replace fb4ebb70-2783-42b8-b3ef-63e2fd6d242eq with edge node name in edge.yaml for the below fields :
      • websocket:URL
      • controller:node-id
      • edged:hostname-override
  • Run edge
  1. # run mosquitto
  2. mosquitto -d -p 1883
  3. # or run emqx edge
  4. # emqx start
  6. # run edge_core
  7. # `conf/` should be in the same directory as the cloned KubeEdge repository
  8. # verify the configurations before running edge(edge_core)
  9. ./edge_core
  10. # or
  11. nohup ./edge_core > edge_core.log 2>&1 &

Note: Please run edge using the users who have root permission.

Run as container

Run as Kubernetes deployment

Check status

After the Cloud and Edge parts have started, you can use below command to check the edge node status.

  1. kubectl get nodes

Please make sure the status of edge node you created is ready.

If you are using HuaweiCloud IEF, then the edge node you created should be running (check it in the IEF console page).

Deploy Application

Try out a sample application deployment by following below steps.

  1. kubectl apply -f $GOPATH/src/

Note: Currently, for edge node, we must use hostPort in the Pod container spec so that the pod comes up normally, or the pod will be always in ContainerCreating status. The hostPort must be equal to containerPort and can not be 0.

Then you can use below command to check if the application is normally running.

  1. kubectl get pods

Run Tests

Run Edge Unit Tests

  1. make edge_test

To run unit tests of a package individually.

  2. cd <path to package to be tested>
  3. go test -v

Run Edge Integration Tests

  1. make edge_integration_test

Details and use cases of integration test framework

Please find the link to use cases of intergration test framework for KubeEdge.