Workload Resources

Pod is a collection of containers that can run on a host.

A list of ephemeral containers used with the Pod ephemeralcontainers subresource.

PodTemplate describes a template for creating copies of a predefined pod.

ReplicationController represents the configuration of a replication controller.

ReplicaSet ensures that a specified number of pod replicas are running at any given time.

Deployment enables declarative updates for Pods and ReplicaSets.

StatefulSet represents a set of pods with consistent identities.

ControllerRevision implements an immutable snapshot of state data.

DaemonSet represents the configuration of a daemon set.

Job represents the configuration of a single job.

CronJob represents the configuration of a single cron job.

configuration of a horizontal pod autoscaler.

HorizontalPodAutoscaler is the configuration for a horizontal pod autoscaler, which automatically manages the replica count of any resource implementing the scale subresource based on the metrics specified.

PriorityClass defines mapping from a priority class name to the priority integer value.