Switching From Polling to CRI Event-based Updates to Container Status

FEATURE STATE: Kubernetes v1.26 [beta]

This page shows how to migrate notes to use event based updates for container status. The event-based implementation reduces node resource consumption by the kubelet, compared to the legacy approach that relies on polling. You may know this feature as evented Pod lifecycle event generator (PLEG). That’s the name used internally within the Kubernetes project for a key implementation detail.

Before you begin

  • You need to run a version of Kubernetes that provides this feature. Kubernetes 1.27 includes beta support for event-based container status updates. The feature is beta and is disabled by default. Your Kubernetes server must be at or later than version 1.26. To check the version, enter kubectl version. If you are running a different version of Kubernetes, check the documentation for that release.

Why switch to Evented PLEG?

  • The current Generic PLEG incurs non-negligible overhead due to frequent polling of container statuses.
  • This overhead is exacerbated by Kubelet’s parallelism, limiting its scalability and causing poor performance and reliability problems.
  • The goal of Evented PLEG is to reduce unnecessary work during inactivity by replacing periodic polling.

Switching to Evented PLEG

  1. Start the Kubelet with the feature gate EventedPLEG enabled. In Kubelet feature gates can be enabled by editing config file and restarting the Kubelet service.

  2. Please make sure the node is drained before proceeding.

  3. Start the CRI Runtime with the Evented PLEG support.

    1. Version 1.7+
    1. Version 1.26+
    2. Check if the CRI-O is already configured to emit `CRI Events` by verifying the configuration,
    1. $ crio config | grep enable_pod_events
    2. ```
    3. If its enabled it should show,
    4. ```
    5. # enable_pod_events = true
    6. ```
    7. To enable it, start the cri-o daemon with the flag `--enable-pod-events=true` or using a drop in config like,
    8. [crio.runtime]
    9. enable_pod_events: true
  1. ```

Your Kubernetes server must be at or later than version 1.26. To check the version, enter kubectl version.

  1. Verify that Evented PLEG is in use by looking for the term EventedPLEG in the kubelet logs

    The output is similar to this:

    1. I0314 11:10:13.909915 1105457 feature_gate.go:249] feature gates: &{map[EventedPLEG:true]}

    If you have set LOG_LEVEL to 4 and above, you might see more entries that indicate Evented PLEG is in use by the kubelet.

    1. I0314 11:12:42.009542 1110177 evented.go:238] "Evented PLEG: Generated pod status from the received event" podUID=3b2c6172-b112-447a-ba96-94e7022912dc
    2. I0314 11:12:44.623326 1110177 evented.go:238] "Evented PLEG: Generated pod status from the received event" podUID=b3fba5ea-a8c5-4b76-8f43-481e17e8ec40
    3. I0314 11:12:44.714564 1110177 evented.go:238] "Evented PLEG: Generated pod status from the received event" podUID=b3fba5ea-a8c5-4b76-8f43-481e17e8ec40

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