What’s New in 3.3.0

In June 2022, KubeSphere 3.3.0 has been released with more exciting features. This release introduces GitOps-based continuous deployment and supports Git-based code repository management to further optimize the DevOps feature. Moreover, it also provides enhanced features of storage, multi-tenancy, multi-cluster, observability, app store, service mesh, and edge computing, to further perfect the interactive design for better user experience.

If you want to know details about new feature of KubeSphere 3.3.0, you can read the article KubeSphere 3.3.0: Embrace GitOps.

In addition to the above highlights, this release also features other functionality upgrades and fixes the known bugs. There were some deprecated or removed features in 3.3.0. For more and detailed information, see the Release Notes for 3.3.0.