Version: v1.0

Quick Start

Welcome to KubeVela! In this guide, we’ll walk you through how to install KubeVela, and deploy your first simple application.

Step 1: Install

Make sure you have finished and verified the installation following this guide.

Step 2: Deploy Your First Application

  1. $ kubectl apply -f
  2. created

Above command will apply an application to KubeVela and let it distribute the application to proper runtime infrastructure.

Check the status until we see status is running and services are healthy:

  1. $ kubectl get application first-vela-app -o yaml
  2. apiVersion:
  3. kind: Application
  4. ...
  5. status:
  6. ...
  7. services:
  8. - healthy: true
  9. name: express-server
  10. traits:
  11. - healthy: true
  12. message: 'Visiting URL:, IP: your ip address'
  13. type: ingress
  14. status: running

You can now directly visit the application (regardless of where it is running).

  1. $ curl -H "" http://<your ip address>/
  2. <xmp>
  3. Hello World
  4. ## .
  5. ## ## ## ==
  6. ## ## ## ## ## ===
  7. /""""""""""""""""\___/ ===
  8. ~~~ {~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~ ~ / ===- ~~~
  9. \______ o _,/
  10. \ \ _,'
  11. `'--.._\..--''
  12. </xmp>

Voila! You are all set to go.

What’s Next

Here are some recommended next steps: