Bug reporting guidelines

If you report a bug, thank you! That said for the process to be manageable please strictly adhere to the following guidelines. I'll not be able to handle bug reports that don't:

  • Your bug report should be a self-containing gist complete with a package.json for any dependencies you need. I need to run through a simple git clone gist; npm install; node bugreport.js, nothing more.
  • It should use assertions to showcase the expected vs actual behavior and be hysteresis-proof. It's quite simple in fact, see this example: https://gist.github.com/louischatriot/220cf6bd29c7de06a486
  • Simplify as much as you can. Strip all your application-specific code. Most of the time you will see that there is no bug but an error in your code :)
  • 50 lines max. If you need more, read the above point and rework your bug report. If you're really convinced you need more, please explain precisely in the issue.
  • The code should be Javascript, not Coffeescript.


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