
M3DB uses the concept of namespaces to determine how metrics are stored and retained. The M3DB operator allows a user to define their own namespaces, or to use a set of presets we consider to be suitable for production use cases.

Namespaces are configured as part of an m3dbcluster spec.



This preset will store metrics at 10 second resolution for 2 days. For example, in your cluster spec:

  1. spec:
  2. ...
  3. namespaces:
  4. - name: metrics-short-term
  5. preset: 10s:2d


This preset will store metrics at 1 minute resolution for 40 days.

  1. spec:
  2. ...
  3. namespaces:
  4. - name: metrics-long-term
  5. preset: 1m:40d

Custom Namespaces

You can also define your own custom namespaces by setting the NamespaceOptions within a cluster spec. The API lists all available fields. As an example, a namespace to store 7 days of data may look like:

  1. ...
  2. spec:
  3. ...
  4. namespaces:
  5. - name: custom-7d
  6. options:
  7. bootstrapEnabled: true
  8. flushEnabled: true
  9. writesToCommitLog: true
  10. cleanupEnabled: true
  11. snapshotEnabled: true
  12. repairEnabled: false
  13. retentionOptions:
  14. retentionPeriod: 168h
  15. blockSize: 12h
  16. bufferFuture: 20m
  17. bufferPast: 20m
  18. blockDataExpiry: true
  19. blockDataExpiryAfterNotAccessPeriod: 5m
  20. indexOptions:
  21. enabled: true
  22. blockSize: 12h