SHOW QUERIES returns information about all the queries running now. It outputs a table with the following structure:

  • id: query id which can be used in KILL to terminate the query
  • query: query statement or a part of it
  • protocol: connection protocol, the possible values are sphinx , mysql , http , ssl , compressed and replication or combination (e.g. http,ssl or compressed,mysql )
  • host: ip:port of the client
  • SQL


  1. mysql> SHOW QUERIES;


  1. +------+--------------+----------+-----------------+
  2. | id | query | protocol | host |
  3. +--------------------------+-----------------------+
  4. | 6 | select | http | |
  5. | 4 | show queries | mysql | |
  6. +------+--------------+----------+-----------------+
  7. 2 rows in set (0.61 sec)

See also SHOW THREADS if you want to know what’s going on from the threads angle of view.


  1. KILL <query id>

KILL terminates execution of a query by its id which you can find in SHOW QUERIES.

  • SQL


  1. mysql> KILL 4;
  2. Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)


SHOW WARNINGS statement can be used to retrieve the warning produced by the latest query. The error message will be returned along with the query itself:

  1. mysql> SELECT * FROM test1 WHERE MATCH('@@title hello') \G
  2. ERROR 1064 (42000): index test1: syntax error, unexpected TOK_FIELDLIMIT
  3. near '@title hello'
  4. mysql> SELECT * FROM test1 WHERE MATCH('@title -hello') \G
  5. ERROR 1064 (42000): index test1: query is non-computable (single NOT operator)
  6. mysql> SELECT * FROM test1 WHERE MATCH('"test doc"/3') \G
  7. *************************** 1\. row ***************************
  8. id: 4
  9. weight: 2500
  10. group_id: 2
  11. date_added: 1231721236
  12. 1 row in set, 1 warning (0.00 sec)
  13. mysql> SHOW WARNINGS \G
  14. *************************** 1\. row ***************************
  15. Level: warning
  16. Code: 1000
  17. Message: quorum threshold too high (words=2, thresh=3); replacing quorum operator
  18. with AND operator
  19. 1 row in set (0.00 sec)