
Create indexes on tables to query data more quickly and efficiently.

You can’t see the index; the index can only be used to speed up the search/query.

Updating a table with an index takes longer than updating a table without an index because the index also needs to be updated. Therefore, the ideal approach is to create indexes only on frequently searched columns (and tables).


  1. > CREATE [UNIQUE] INDEX index_name
  2. ON tbl_name (key_part,...)
  3. COMMENT 'string'



Creates a unique index on a table. Duplicate values are not allowed.


  1. drop table if exists t1;
  2. create table t1(id int PRIMARY KEY,name VARCHAR(255),age int);
  3. insert into t1 values(1,"Abby", 24);
  4. insert into t1 values(2,"Bob", 25);
  5. insert into t1 values(3,"Carol", 23);
  6. insert into t1 values(4,"Dora", 29);
  7. create unique index idx on t1(name);
  8. mysql> select * from t1;
  9. +------+-------+------+
  10. | id | name | age |
  11. +------+-------+------+
  12. | 1 | Abby | 24 |
  13. | 2 | Bob | 25 |
  14. | 3 | Carol | 23 |
  15. | 4 | Dora | 29 |
  16. +------+-------+------+
  17. 4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
  18. mysql> show create table t1;
  19. +-------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  20. | Table | Create Table |
  21. +-------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  22. | t1 | CREATE TABLE `t1` (
  23. `id` INT NOT NULL,
  24. `name` VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL,
  25. `age` INT DEFAULT NULL,
  26. PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
  27. UNIQUE KEY `idx` (`name`)
  28. ) |
  29. +-------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  30. 1 row in set (0.01 sec)
  31. create table t2 (
  32. col1 bigint primary key,
  33. col2 varchar(25),
  34. col3 float,
  35. col4 varchar(50)
  36. );
  37. create unique index idx on t2(col2) comment 'create varchar index';
  38. insert into t2 values(1,"Abby", 24,'zbcvdf');
  39. insert into t2 values(2,"Bob", 25,'zbcvdf');
  40. insert into t2 values(3,"Carol", 23,'zbcvdf');
  41. insert into t2 values(4,"Dora", 29,'zbcvdf');
  42. mysql> select * from t2;
  43. +------+-------+------+--------+
  44. | col1 | col2 | col3 | col4 |
  45. +------+-------+------+--------+
  46. | 1 | Abby | 24 | zbcvdf |
  47. | 2 | Bob | 25 | zbcvdf |
  48. | 3 | Carol | 23 | zbcvdf |
  49. | 4 | Dora | 29 | zbcvdf |
  50. +------+-------+------+--------+
  51. 4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
  52. mysql> show create table t2;
  53. +-------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  54. | Table | Create Table |
  55. +-------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  56. | t2 | CREATE TABLE `t2` (
  57. `col1` BIGINT NOT NULL,
  58. `col2` VARCHAR(25) DEFAULT NULL,
  59. `col3` FLOAT DEFAULT NULL,
  60. `col4` VARCHAR(50) DEFAULT NULL,
  61. PRIMARY KEY (`col1`),
  62. UNIQUE KEY `idx` (`col2`) COMMENT `create varchar index`
  63. ) |
  64. +-------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  65. 1 row in set (0.01 sec)