
使用 SHOW GRANTS 语句显示用户的所有授权信息。SHOW GRANTS 语句显示使用 GRANT 命令分配给用户的权限。

使用 SHOW GRANTS 语句需要拥有查询 mo_catalog 库下所有表的 SELECT 权限,但显示当前用户的权限和角色除外。

要为 SHOW GRANTS 命名帐户或角色,即使用与 GRANT 语句相同的格式,例如:

  1. show grants for 'root'@'localhost';


  1. > SHOW GRANTS FOR {username[@hostname] | rolename};


  1. create role role1;
  2. grant all on table *.* to role1;
  3. grant create table, drop table on database *.* to role1;
  4. create user user1 identified by 'pass1';
  5. grant role1 to user1;
  6. > show grants for 'user1'@'localhost';
  7. +--------------------------------------------------------+
  8. | Grants for user1@localhost |
  9. +--------------------------------------------------------+
  10. | GRANT connect ON account `user1`@`localhost` |
  11. | GRANT table all ON table *.* `user1`@`localhost` |
  12. | GRANT create table ON database *.* `user1`@`localhost` |
  13. | GRANT drop table ON database *.* `user1`@`localhost` |
  14. +--------------------------------------------------------+
  15. 4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
  16. mysql> show grants for ROLE role1;
  17. +--------------------------------------------+
  18. | Grants for role1 |
  19. +--------------------------------------------+
  20. | GRANT table all ON table *.* `role1` |
  21. | GRANT create table ON database *.* `role1` |
  22. | GRANT drop table ON database *.* `role1` |
  23. +--------------------------------------------+
  24. 3 rows in set (0.00 sec)