Contribution Guidelines

Tips for contributing to the Meteor Guide.

Please submit clarifications and improvements to the Guide! If it’s just a small fix, go ahead and open a PR. If it’s something more major, please file an issue for discussion first.

Using the change log

If you are adding significant new content, please take a moment to include an update to the changelog in your PR.

Writing tips

Things to be aware of:

Always use specific IDs on headers so that we can change them later:

  1. // bad
  2. ## Using schemas with collections
  3. // good
  4. <h2 id="schemas-with-collections">Using schemas with collections</h2>

Titles and headers

Article titles are Title Case, and headers are Sentence case.

Always put a blank line after each header

Otherwise, the following paragraph isn’t parsed correctly.

  1. // bad
  2. <h2 id="schemas-with-collections">Using schemas with collections</h2>
  3. This is some text
  4. // good
  5. <h2 id="schemas-with-collections">Using schemas with collections</h2>
  6. This is some text

Escape handlebars syntax inside inline code snippets

Note: you don’t need to escape things in fenced/multiline code snippets, only in inline ones.

  1. // will break
  2. Render multiple items in your template with `{{#each}}`
  3. // good
  4. Render multiple items in your template with `{% raw %}{{#each}}{% endraw %}`

Running the static site generator locally

The site is built using hexo, a static site generator. To run it locally, perform the following steps:

  1. git submodule update --init --recursive
  2. cd site
  3. npm install
  4. npm start