
Micro provides the fundamental building blocks for microservices. It’s goal is to simplify distributed systems development. Because microservices is an architecture pattern, Micro looks to logically separate responsibility through tooling.

Check out the blog post on architecture for a detailed overview.

This section should explain more about how micro is constructed and how the various libraries/repos relate to each other.



The API acts as a gateway or proxy to enable a single entry point for accessing micro services. It should be run on the edge of your infrastructure. It converts HTTP requests to RPC and forwards to the appropriate service.

Architecture - 图1


The UI is a web version of go-micro allowing visual interaction into an environmet. In the future it will be a way of aggregating micro web services also. It includes a way to proxy to web apps. /[name] will route to a a service in the registry. The Web UI adds Prefix of “go.micro.web.” (which can be configured) to the name, looks it up in the registry and then reverse proxies to it.

Architecture - 图2


The proxy is a cli proxy for remote environments.

Architecture - 图3


Bot A Hubot style bot that sits inside your microservices platform and can be interacted with via Slack, HipChat, XMPP, etc. It provides the features of the CLI via messaging. Additional commands can be added to automate common ops tasks.

Architecture - 图4


The Micro CLI is a command line version of go-micro which provides a way of observing and interacting with a running environment.


Plugins are a way of adding additional functionality to the runtime. See the overview.