Controlling IP/Host Registration

Occasionally, depending on the deployment environment you may wish to expose the IP address and not the host name, since by default Micronaut will register with Consul with either the value of the HOST environment variable or the value configured via

You can use the consul.client.registration.prefer-ip-address setting to indicate you would prefer to register with the IP address.

Micronaut will by default perform an IP lookup to try and figure out the IP address, however you can use the consul.client.registration.ip-addr setting to specify the IP address of the service directly.

Consul HTTP Check Configuration

  1. consul:
  2. client:
  3. registration:
  4. ip-addr: <your base container ip>
  5. prefer-ip-address: true

This will tell Consul to register the IP that other instances can use to access your service and not the NAT IP it is running under (or

If you use HTTP health checks (see the previous section) then Consul will use the configured IP address to check the Micronaut /health endpoint.

Consul HTTP Check Configuration

  1. consul:
  2. client:
  3. registration:
  4. ip-addr: <your base container ip>
  5. prefer-ip-address: true
  6. check:
  7. http: true