Customizing the Zipkin Sender

To send spans you configure a Zipkin sender. You can configure a HttpClientSender that sends Spans asynchronously using Micronaut’s native HTTP client with the tracing.zipkin.http.url setting:

Configuring Multiple Zipkin Servers

  1. tracing:
  2. zipkin:
  3. enabled: true
  4. http:
  5. url: http://localhost:9411

It is unlikely that sending spans to localhost will be suitable for production deployment, so you generally need to configure the location of one or more Zipkin servers for production:

Configuring Multiple Zipkin Servers

  1. tracing:
  2. zipkin:
  3. enabled: true
  4. http:
  5. urls:
  6. - http://foo:9411
  7. - http://bar:9411
In production, setting TRACING_ZIPKIN_HTTP_URLS environment variable with a comma-separated list of URLs also works.

Alternatively to use a different zipkin2.reporter.Sender implementation, you can define a bean of type zipkin2.reporter.Sender and it will be picked up.