image of book with text that says, 'you are designing for humans not machines'


RNN and LSTMs (Long Short Term Memory networks) are a type of Neural Network architecture useful for working with sequential data (like characters in text or the musical notes of a song) where the order of the that sequence matters. This class allows you run a model pre-trained on a body of text to generate new text.

You can train your own models using this tutorial or use this set of pre trained models.


  1. // Create the character level generator with a pre trained model
  2. const rnn = ml5.charRNN('models/bolaño/', modelLoaded);
  3. // When the model is loaded
  4. function modelLoaded() {
  5. console.log('Model Loaded!');
  6. }
  7. // Generate content
  8. rnn.generate({ seed: 'the meaning of pizza is' }, (err, results) => {
  9. console.log(results);
  10. });



  1. const charrnn = ml5.charRNN(model, ?callback);


  • model: REQUIRED. An absolute or relative path to the charRNN model files.
  • callback: OPTIONAL. A callback to be called once the model has loaded. If no callback is provided, it will return a promise that will be resolved once the model has loaded.



Boolean value that specifies if the model has loaded.


The current state of the model.


The pre-trained charRNN model.


The vocabulary size (or total number of possible characters).



Generates content in a stateless manner, based on some initial text (known as a “seed”). Returns a string.

  1. charrnn.generate(options, ?callback);

📥 Inputs

  • options: REQUIRED. An object specifying the input parameters of seed, length and temperature. Default length is 20, temperature is 0.5 and seed is a random character from the model. The object should look like this

    1. {
    2. seed: 'The meaning of pizza is',
    3. length: 20,
    4. temperature: 0.5,
    5. };
  • callback: Optional. Function. A function to be called when the model has generated content. If no callback is provided, it will return a promise that will be resolved once the model has generated new content.

📤 Outputs

  • Object: Returns an object. {sample: generated,state: this.state}.


Feed a string of characters to the model state.

  1. charrnn.predict(temperature, ?callback);

📥 Inputs

  • seed: REQUIRED. Predict the next character based on the model’s current state.
  • callback: Optional. Function. A function to be called when the model finished adding the seed. If no callback is provided, it will return a promise that will be resolved once the prediction has been generated.

📤 Outputs

  • Object: Returns an object {sample, probabilities};


Given an image, will make objects in the image disappear

  1. charrnn.feed(seed, ?callback);

📥 Inputs

  • seed: REQUIRED. A string to feed the charRNN model state.
  • callback: Optional. Function.Optional. A function to be called when the model finished adding the seed. If no callback is provided, it will return a promise that will be resolved once seed has been fed..

📤 Outputs

  • Image: Returns an image.


Reset the model state

  1. charrnn.reset();

📥 Inputs

  • none

📤 Outputs

  • none



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  • Cristobal Valenzuela and Memo Atken


  • Paper Reference | Website URL | Github Repo | Book reference | etc

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