
By the end of the year 2018 there was a unified way of using MobX in React world - library mobx-react.

Then the React Hooks came to the light. The mobx-react-lite was made to support this brave new world. It was great for several enthusiasts, but newcomers did (and still do) suffer.

Use mobx-react-lite for fresh new project on React Hooks. For any older project continue reading.

In not so distant future the mobx-react-lite might be deprecated and become a mobx-react.

Don't worry, migration will be as easy as replacing one string for another.

Cannot use React Hooks yet?

🤷‍♂️ Your code has class components while Hooks (React 16.8+) are out of reach?

👌 Just stay with mobx-react@5, no worries.

Migrating to React Hooks?

🤷‍♂️ Class components still do exists in your code, but you can (and want) to use Hooks as well?

👌Use mobx-react@6 which includes mobx-react-lite and uses it automatically for function components.

The Provider/inject in mobx-react@6 has been migrated to React Context, however it might be removed in future versions completely. Consider using Context directly.

Fully embraced Hooks?

🤷‍♂️ No class components in your code?

👌 Use the mobx-react-lite directly as a smaller and faster variant.

The library does not include way of propagating state (Provider, inject), see more about accessing state.

What version of mobx?

There are currently two maintained versions of mobx, the V4 (LTS) and V5. You can use either of those with any library mentioned above. The major difference is if you need to support IE11 which lacks ES6 Proxy support (MobX V5 depends on them).