MVC On the web

Explain uniqueness of HTTP.

On the web, we have two entities interacting: the server and the client.
The server is the only responsible to hold the model.
The client runs a web browser that performs requests to the server.
These requests are channeled properly, trigger changes in the model,
and give origin to a response that the client renders to the user.
Some interaction (e.g. scrolling a list of entries) may not involve
the server at all.

On the web, the controller is responsible for handling user events, preparing
the view, and pushing it to the renderer. a quite different pattern.

MVC can also be used on the web, and plenty of web development frameworks
provide for free a well designed MVC architecture, where the programmer has
just to fill the empty spaces and all the web heavy lifting is taken care of.
As usual, the model objects represent the business domain of our application,
with the task of persistence given to the model or to another layer: they
either talk to a database directly (generally, but not always, an SQL one) or
through an Object-Relational Mapper to convert the Object Oriented nature of
the model classes into something a relational database can digest. Similarly,
the Controller receives the HTTP request from the user, as dispatched by the
Web framework. It is responsible for applying business logic and coordinating
the other objects to display the final web page (or parts of it) to the user.
In general, what the controller does at this point is to parse the request,
selects the proper model objects to honor this request, selects a view
appropriate for the request and let the view the task of rendering the final
HTML for the browser’s consumption. To do so, the view normally combines the
controller-provided data with a template mechanism.

On the web, the separation between the View (the HTML and the browser as a
renderer) and the Controller (the server side of the code) is strong and with a
bottleneck in communication. Primary events are HTTP requests (GET/POST)

The controller can switch model or views as it sees fit, but in general it is
initialized and deeply related to the view. How the controller get to know
these different models or views can be done either through accessor methods
(external code “pushes” the new model to the controller) or through a provider
class (e.g. the controller knows where to get a model: the provider class hands
it out when needed). knockout.js

Something about REST in web mvc

.. image:: web_mvc

View: renders the HTTP response from a template and the contents of the model.
Controller: Handles the HTTP request as passed by the front controller, and selects the
most appropriate models and View for the rendering.

Page Controller

To keep the view and the controller synchronized, there are two possible approaches:
“push” strategy: data is pushed by the controller into the view.
“pull” strategy: data is pulled by the view from the controller

For example, suppose the user adds a comment to a forum. Once he submits the
request, its comment is now accepted by a controller, which will add it to the
model. The view and the model are now desynchronized. The controller now can
reply by pushing the new information to the view, so that the user-submitted
comment can appear. Any other comment that was added to the model will also be
pushed into the view, allowing the user to see its view change as comments are

In the pull model, the view is responsible for requesting and fetching data
from the controller at the end of the submit request, and synchronize its
content. Pull is also generally used to fetch any kind of data from the
controller in response to a user request.


ruby on rails


On the web, the View is delivered to the client side for rendering in the
browser, and the
Model stays on the server side. When the User performs an action, the
Controller will issue a change request to the Model, followed by a request to
the View to refresh itself. The View will now issue a get request to the server
to synchronize with the new Model contents.

User events as http requests, produced through either direct call or through
XMLRPC calls

Page controller : handles requests for a specific web page

Front controller: Handles request for multiple pages.

The browser can be interpreted as a View: the page controller receives an http request and renders
a html result, but it can also produce json, or xml, or any other format. this
result is then sent to the browser for visual rendering. The controller
selects the proper “view renderer” and may switch according to different
constraints (e.g. having to present a page for mobile vs browser)

Backbone router

Original implementation of Smalltalk MVC:

Request model: The HTTP request coming in can also be seen as an object part of the
model layer. Its change notifies the front controller, which acts on it

Two controllers in web mvc:
Controller 1: mapping urls to a request handler, eventually using middleware to process the incoming request.
Controller 2: the handlers.

The model never computes html

The view uses a template rendering. The controller combines state from the Model with
the template engine to produce the resulting View representation.

Model: The server is responsible for handling potentially concurrent modification requests
to the same model data coming from different clients.


A browser is fundamentally a MVC triple: it has a model (the HTML document) a View (the rendered
content) and a controller (the part of the browser that interpret user events and eventually modifies
the Model’s content

Server side MVC

Most simple form of MVC. The client issues a request as a GET http request, eventually
with POST data/cookies. The server handles the request and returns a full HTML page.
Very coarse grained, very all-or-nothing interaction that forces the client to refresh
the visual aspect often, instead of incrementally. The application is bandwidth hungry and

Rich internet application

On the other end of the spectrum, we have RIA. RIA keep the model on the server, and move
everything else to the client. The client model is synchronized with the server model.
No rendering is performed by the server. it just returns data to the client.

sometimes referred , when in desktop applications, as “proxy delegate”


Validation is normally performed twice: on the client to ensure the data is consistent
and presented properly to the user. Once the user submits its data, though, validation on
the server must also be performed. The request may be forced, and all the constraints we set
from our View will be bypassed.

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:maxdepth: 1