Report generation

If these flags are set, mypy will generate a report in the specifiedformat into the specified directory.

  • —any-exprs-report DIR
  • Causes mypy to generate a text file report documenting how manyexpressions of type Any are present within your codebase.
  • —cobertura-xml-report DIR
  • Causes mypy to generate a Cobertura XML type checking coverage report.

You must install the lxml library to generate this report.

  • —html-report / —xslt-html-report DIR
  • Causes mypy to generate an HTML type checking coverage report.

You must install the lxml library to generate this report.

  • —linecount-report DIR
  • Causes mypy to generate a text file report documenting the functionsand lines that are typed and untyped within your codebase.
  • —linecoverage-report DIR
  • Causes mypy to generate a JSON file that maps each source file’sabsolute filename to a list of line numbers that belong to typedfunctions in that file.
  • —lineprecision-report DIR
  • Causes mypy to generate a flat text file report with per-modulestatistics of how many lines are typechecked etc.
  • —txt-report / —xslt-txt-report DIR
  • Causes mypy to generate a text file type checking coverage report.

You must install the lxml library to generate this report.

  • —xml-report DIR
  • Causes mypy to generate an XML type checking coverage report.

You must install the lxml library to generate this report.