
Every Neuron has to present its identity UUID to IIoT platform for access grant. This is not a must operation process. It is only for the IIoT platform which require UUID authentication to check over that its UUID is uniquely existence in the registry. So, this process only available when IIoT platform support the registration process. Otherwise, IIoT platform should skip this registration process.

MQTT Topics for Neuron

Subscribe: Neuron/Registry/%UUID%

Publish: Neuron/Broadcast

MQTT Topics for IIoT platform

Subscribe: Neuron/Broadcast

Publish: Neuron/Registry/%UUID%

Registration - 图1

Neuron request syntax

  1. {
  2. "srno": "SN010101200227",
  3. "host": "Instance 0",
  4. "uuid": "16538d28-4592-11e9-a787-00e067109f12"
  5. "modl": "ENT-x86_64-1-0101",
  6. "bver": "1.1.1",
  7. "pver": 1,
  8. }

IIoT Platform response syntax

  1. {
  2. "func": 1,
  3. "regr": 0
  4. }
srno Serial number
host System hostname
uuid UUID
modl Model number
bver Software build version and date
First number — major change
Second number — minor change
Third number — build date
pver Protocol version
func Function code 1
regr Registry Return
-1 -- not accept
0 -- accept