Connect to IEC 60870-5-104 Server Simulator

This article will use the IEC60870-5-104 plugin of Neuron to connect to IEC60870-5-104 Server Simulator, which supports the collection of multiple data types and control.

Install IEC 60870-5-104 Server Simulator

You can download the IEC6087-5-104 Server Simulator from here, the trial version of the emulator will automatically shut down after 15 minutes of operation, save the configuration data in time. Download and unzip the IEC6087-5-104 Server Simulator executable file, click install.

Configure Simulator

  1. Open IEC 60870-5-104 Server Simulator.
  2. Click Add Server to create a server.
  3. Modify the configuration in table IEC104-SERVER_1, and modify the value of the Source IP Address to .
  4. In table Configuration_1, click Add Row to create a tag, IEC60870-5 Group to Choose menu selection Measured Normalized, Event Report Type Id menu selection M_ME_NA_1=9.
  5. Other parameters keep their default value, IOA default 1, and Common Address default 1.


  1. Click Load Configuration and then click Start Communication to run server.

Configure Neuron

  1. Go to Neuron Dashboard, and create a south node with the IEC60870-5-104 plugin.
  2. Click Device Configuration and then Device IP Address fill in the simulator address, other parameters keep default value.
  3. Create a group, and then create a tag in that group with tag address 1.
  • In Monitoring -> Data Monitoring page, you can see the tag value after selecting South device and Group name.

Data Monitoring

After completing the point configuration, you can click Monitoring -> Data Monitoring to view device information and control devices. For details, refer to Data Monitoring.