JavaScript APIs

Nextcloud apps can use existing JavaScript APIs to ease the development of front-end components and simple scripts.

The APIs used to be provided via global variables, available on most pages of Nextcloud. To smoothen the development experience with modern development tools, this method is in the process of being deprecated and removed. Existing APIs are being migrated to npm packages and new APIs will only be available that way. The bottom of the page covers the basics of the global variable method, if you want to develop an app for old versions of Nextcloud.

npm packages

@nextcloud npm packages provide the current front-end APIs for Nextcloud apps.


The idea is that apps install these packages via npm and bundle the code with tools like Babel, Webpack or Parcel. This ensures that an app runs the exact same code independent of the Nextcloud version and also reduces the chances of running into conflicts with other apps.

For more details on the design considerations see the discussion on Github.


We highly recommend keeping packages up-to-date as they provide fixes and security patches. For apps with code hosted on Github we recommend the use of Dependabot.


The provided packages are aimed to be compatible with all supported Nextcloud releases. However, we may have to change an API in a non-backwards compatible way in the future. Thus look out for major version bumps in the packages and read the changelogs.


Most packages are written in TypeScript in order to generate better API docs automatically but also to ensure compatibility with Nextcloud server in a programmatic way. The server is typed in a dedicated npm package that is used to check type soundness.

Packages in detail

The rest of this section will cover a rough overview of which packages are provided and what they are used for.


This package provides information about the current user and session. Documentation:


This package provides an Axios HTTP client instance, ready to send request to the Nextcloud server. If you use this instance you do not have to care about authentication and special headers. Documentation:


This package provides a simple event bus implementation that integrates with server and other apps. Thus it is one of the recommended ways of inter-app communication. Documentation:


This package provides access to UI dialogs in Nextcloud. Documentation:


This package provides helper functions around the Files app. Documentation:


This package provides the counterpart for the \OCP\IInitialStateService on the back-end. Use it to retrieve your stored data on page load. Documentation:


This package provides everything around localization, like access to the current user’s locale and translation helpers. Documentation:


This package provides a unified logging helper that adds app names, severity and other context to log messages. Use it to enhance the output of your app’s logs, useful for development and triaging bug reports. Documentation:


This package provides a modified version of moment.js with the current user’s locale set. Documentation:


This package makes it possible to ask a user for confirmation on actions that have a @PasswordConfirmationRequired set on the controller method. Use it for critical actions. Documentation:


This package provides various helpers for file and folder paths. Documentation:


This package provides helpers to generate URLs, e.g. to access assets and REST APIs of your app or the Nextcloud server. Documentation:


This package provides lots of nextcloud components allowing you to quickly build UIs. Documentation:


Network state changes

Your app can react to lost network connectivity, e.g. to gracefully handle this state where no server interaction is possible. Since the communication with the server mostly requires a valid CSRF token, you might not want to send any request before the token was udpated. Nextcloud can notify you when this has happened. Use the @nextcloud/event-bus to listen for the networkOnline and networkOffline events:

  1. import { subscribe } from '@nextcloud/event-bus'
  2. subscribe('networkOffline', () =>"we're offline"))
  3. subscribe('networkOnline', (event) => {
  4. if (event.successful) {
  5."we're back online, the token was updated")
  6. } else {
  7."we're back online, but the token might not be up to date")
  8. }
  9. })

Global variables

There are also global variables that acted as APIs in the past. The use of these variables is discouraged, as they lead to script loading order problems and the dependency hell, making it hard for the server component to update libraries.


Be careful with accessing global variables as their availability depends on the order in which scripts are loaded. Thus they might not have been assigned yet when your script runs. Use the document load event to wait until all scripts have been loaded and executed.

OC – internal APIs

The OC variable provides access to many internals of the Nextcloud server. It’s not intended for use by apps as the APIs may change any time.

OCA – App APIs

Some apps use the OCA variable as a place to register their types. Except for edge cases with inter-app communication, you should not assign anything to this variable.

OCP – Public APIs

Some more stable APIs are exposed in the OCP “namespace”. Since the release of the npm packages, the got obsolete and thus will be deprecated.