
class nornir.core.task.AggregatedResult(name: str, \*kwargs: nornir.core.task.MultiResult*)

It basically is a dict-like object that aggregates the results for all devices. You can access each individual result by doing my_aggr_result["hostname_of_device"].

class nornir.core.task.MultiResult(name: str)

It is basically is a list-like object that gives you access to the results of all subtasks for a particular device/task.

  • property changed: bool

    If True at least a task changed the system.

  • property failed: bool

    If True at least a task failed.

  • raise_on_error() → None

class nornir.core.task.Result(host: Optional[Host], result: Any = None, changed: bool = False, diff: str = ‘’, failed: bool = False, exception: Optional[BaseException] = None, severity_level: int = 20, \*kwargs: Any*)

Result of running individual tasks.

  • Parameters

    • changed (bool) – True if the task is changing the system

    • diff (obj) – Diff between state of the system before/after running this task

    • result (obj) – Result of the task execution, see task’s documentation for details

    • host (nornir.core.inventory.Host) – Reference to the host that lead to this result

    • failed (bool) – Whether the execution failed or not

    • severity_level (logging.LEVEL) – Severity level associated to the result of the excecution

    • exception (Exception) – uncaught exception thrown during the exection of the task (if any)

  • changed

    True if the task is changing the system

    • Type


  • diff

    Diff between state of the system before/after running this task

    • Type


  • result

    Result of the task execution, see task’s documentation for details

    • Type


  • host

    Reference to the host that lead ot this result

  • failed

    Whether the execution failed or not

    • Type


  • severity_level

    Severity level associated to the result of the excecution

    • Type


  • exception

    uncaught exception thrown during the exection of the task (if any)

    • Type


class nornir.core.task.Task(task: Callable[[…], Any], nornir: Nornir, global_dry_run: bool, processors: Processors, name: str = None, severity_level: int = 20, parent_task: Optional[Task] = None, \*kwargs: str*)

A task is basically a wrapper around a function that has to be run against multiple devices. You won’t probably have to deal with this class yourself as will create it automatically.

  • Parameters

    • task (callable) – function or callable we will be calling

    • name (string) – name of task, defaults to task.__name__

    • severity_level (logging.LEVEL) – Severity level associated to the task

    • **kwargs – Parameters that will be passed to the task

  • task

    function or callable we will be calling

    • Type


  • name

    name of task, defaults to task.__name__

    • Type


  • params

    Parameters that will be passed to the task.

  • self.results

    Intermediate results

  • host

    Host we are operating with. Populated right before calling the task

  • nornir

    Populated right before calling the task

    • Type


  • severity_level

    Severity level associated to the task

    • Type


  • copy() → nornir.core.task.Task

  • is_dry_run(override: Optional[bool] = None) → bool

    Returns whether current task is a dry_run or not.

  • run(task: Callable[[…], Any], \*kwargs: Any*) → nornir.core.task.MultiResult

    This is a utility method to call a task from within a task. For instance:

    • def grouped_tasks(task):

    This method will ensure the subtask is run only for the host in the current thread.

  • start(host: Host) → MultiResult

    Run the task for the given host.

    • Parameters

      • host (nornir.core.inventory.Host) – Host we are operating with. Populated right before calling the task

      • nornir (nornir.core.Nornir) – Populated right before calling the task


      Results of the task and its subtasks

      Return type

      host (nornir.core.task.MultiResult)