The Context

The context provides additional objects/params from Nuxt to Vue components and is available in special nuxt lifecycle areas like asyncData, fetch, plugins, middleware and nuxtServerInit.

Note: “The Context” we refer to here is not to be confused with the context object available in Vuex Actions. The two are unrelated.

  1. function (context) {
  2. // Universal keys
  3. const {
  4. app,
  5. store,
  6. route,
  7. params,
  8. query,
  9. env,
  10. isDev,
  11. isHMR,
  12. redirect,
  13. error,
  14. $config
  15. } = context
  16. // Server-side
  17. if (process.server) {
  18. const { req, res, beforeNuxtRender } = context
  19. }
  20. // Client-side
  21. if (process.client) {
  22. const { from, nuxtState } = context
  23. }
  24. }

Universal keys

These keys are available both on client-side and server-side.


app (NuxtAppOptions)

The root Vue instance options that includes all your plugins. For example, when using i18n, you can get access to $i18n through


store (Vuex Store)

Vuex Store instance. Available only if the vuex store is set.


route (Vue Router Route)

Vue Router route instance.


params (Object)

Alias of route.params.


query (Object)

Alias of route.query.


env (Object)

Environment variables set in nuxt.config.js, see env API.


isDev (Boolean)

Boolean to let you know if you’re in dev mode, can be useful for caching some data in production.


isHMR (Boolean)

Boolean to let you know if the method/middleware is called from webpack hot module replacement (true only on client-side in dev mode).


redirect (Function)

Use this method to redirect the user to another route, the status code is used on the server-side, defaults to 302. redirect([status,] path [, query]).


  1. redirect(302, '/login')
  2. redirect({ name: 'slug', params: { slug: mySlug } })
  3. redirect('')

See the Vue Router docs more info on the Location property.

The context - 图1

It’s not possible to use redirect or error in client-side Nuxt plugin due to hydration errors (client content would be different from what it’d expect from the server).A valid workaround would be using window.onNuxtReady(() => { window.$nuxt.$router.push('/your-route') })


error (Function)

Use this method to show the error page: error(params). The params should have the properties statusCode and message.


$config (Object)

The actual runtime config.

Server-side keys

These keys are available only on the server-side.


req (http.Request)

Request from the Node.js server. If Nuxt is used as a middleware, the request object might be different depending on the framework you’re using.
Not available via nuxt generate.


res (http.Response)

Response from the Node.js server. If Nuxt is used as a middleware, the res object might be different depending on the framework you’re using.
Not available via nuxt generate.


beforeNuxtRender(fn) (Function)

Use this method to update __NUXT__ variable rendered on client-side, the fn (can be asynchronous) is called with { Components, nuxtState }, see example.

Client-side keys

These keys are available only on client-side.


from (Vue Router Route)

The route navigated from.


nuxtState (Object)

Nuxt state, useful for plugins which use beforeNuxtRender to get the nuxt state on client-side before hydration. Available only in universal mode.