Route configuration

Configuring route timeouts

You can configure the default timeouts for an existing route when you have services in need of a low timeout, which is required for Service Level Availability (SLA) purposes, or a high timeout, for cases with a slow back end.


  • You need a deployed Ingress Controller on a running cluster.


  1. Using the oc annotate command, add the timeout to the route:

    1. $ oc annotate route <route_name> \
    2. --overwrite<timeout><time_unit> (1)
    1Supported time units are microseconds (us), milliseconds (ms), seconds (s), minutes (m), hours (h), or days (d).

    The following example sets a timeout of two seconds on a route named myroute:

    1. $ oc annotate route myroute --overwrite

Enabling HTTP strict transport security

HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) policy is a security enhancement, which ensures that only HTTPS traffic is allowed on the host. Any HTTP requests are dropped by default. This is useful for ensuring secure interactions with websites, or to offer a secure application for the user’s benefit.

When HSTS is enabled, HSTS adds a Strict Transport Security header to HTTPS responses from the site. You can use the insecureEdgeTerminationPolicy value in a route to redirect to send HTTP to HTTPS. However, when HSTS is enabled, the client changes all requests from the HTTP URL to HTTPS before the request is sent, eliminating the need for a redirect. This is not required to be supported by the client, and can be disabled by setting max-age=0.

HSTS works only with secure routes (either edge terminated or re-encrypt). The configuration is ineffective on HTTP or passthrough routes.


  • To enable HSTS on a route, add the value to the edge terminated or re-encrypt route:

    1. apiVersion: v1
    2. kind: Route
    3. metadata:
    4. annotations:
    5. max-age=31536000;includeSubDomains;preload (1) (2) (3)
    1max-age is the only required parameter. It measures the length of time, in seconds, that the HSTS policy is in effect. The client updates max-age whenever a response with a HSTS header is received from the host. When max-age times out, the client discards the policy.
    2includeSubDomains is optional. When included, it tells the client that all subdomains of the host are to be treated the same as the host.
    3preload is optional. When max-age is greater than 0, then including preload in allows external services to include this site in their HSTS preload lists. For example, sites such as Google can construct a list of sites that have preload set. Browsers can then use these lists to determine which sites they can communicate with over HTTPS, before they have interacted with the site. Without preload set, browsers must have interacted with the site over HTTPS to get the header.

Troubleshooting throughput issues

Sometimes applications deployed through OKD can cause network throughput issues such as unusually high latency between specific services.

Use the following methods to analyze performance issues if pod logs do not reveal any cause of the problem:

  • Use a packet analyzer, such as ping or tcpdump to analyze traffic between a pod and its node.

    For example, run the tcpdump tool on each pod while reproducing the behavior that led to the issue. Review the captures on both sides to compare send and receive timestamps to analyze the latency of traffic to and from a pod. Latency can occur in OKD if a node interface is overloaded with traffic from other pods, storage devices, or the data plane.

    1. $ tcpdump -s 0 -i any -w /tmp/dump.pcap host <podip 1> && host <podip 2> (1)
    1podip is the IP address for the pod. Run the oc get pod <pod_name> -o wide command to get the IP address of a pod.

    tcpdump generates a file at /tmp/dump.pcap containing all traffic between these two pods. Ideally, run the analyzer shortly before the issue is reproduced and stop the analyzer shortly after the issue is finished reproducing to minimize the size of the file. You can also run a packet analyzer between the nodes (eliminating the SDN from the equation) with:

    1. $ tcpdump -s 0 -i any -w /tmp/dump.pcap port 4789
  • Use a bandwidth measuring tool, such as iperf, to measure streaming throughput and UDP throughput. Run the tool from the pods first, then from the nodes, to locate any bottlenecks.

Using cookies to keep route statefulness

OKD provides sticky sessions, which enables stateful application traffic by ensuring all traffic hits the same endpoint. However, if the endpoint pod terminates, whether through restart, scaling, or a change in configuration, this statefulness can disappear.

OKD can use cookies to configure session persistence. The Ingress controller selects an endpoint to handle any user requests, and creates a cookie for the session. The cookie is passed back in the response to the request and the user sends the cookie back with the next request in the session. The cookie tells the Ingress Controller which endpoint is handling the session, ensuring that client requests use the cookie so that they are routed to the same pod.

You can set a cookie name to overwrite the default, auto-generated one for the route. This allows the application receiving route traffic to know the cookie name. By deleting the cookie it can force the next request to re-choose an endpoint. So, if a server was overloaded it tries to remove the requests from the client and redistribute them.


  1. Annotate the route with the specified cookie name:

    1. $ oc annotate route <route_name>"<cookie_name>"



    Specifies the name of the route.


    Specifies the name for the cookie.

    For example, to annotate the route my_route with the cookie name my_cookie:

    1. $ oc annotate route my_route"my_cookie"
  2. Capture the route hostname in a variable:

    1. $ ROUTE_NAME=$(oc get route <route_name> -o jsonpath='{}')



    Specifies the name of the route.

  3. Save the cookie, and then access the route:

    1. $ curl $ROUTE_NAME -k -c /tmp/cookie_jar

    Use the cookie saved by the previous command when connecting to the route:

    1. $ curl $ROUTE_NAME -k -b /tmp/cookie_jar

Path-based routes

Path-based routes specify a path component that can be compared against a URL, which requires that the traffic for the route be HTTP based. Thus, multiple routes can be served using the same hostname, each with a different path. Routers should match routes based on the most specific path to the least. However, this depends on the router implementation.

The following table shows example routes and their accessibility:

Table 1. Route availability
RouteWhen Compared toAccessible


No and



Yes (Matched by the host, not the route)


An unsecured route with a path

  1. apiVersion: v1
  2. kind: Route
  3. metadata:
  4. name: route-unsecured
  5. spec:
  6. host:
  7. path: "/test" (1)
  8. to:
  9. kind: Service
  10. name: service-name
1The path is the only added attribute for a path-based route.

Path-based routing is not available when using passthrough TLS, as the router does not terminate TLS in that case and cannot read the contents of the request.

Route-specific annotations

The Ingress Controller can set the default options for all the routes it exposes. An individual route can override some of these defaults by providing specific configurations in its annotations. Red Hat does not support adding a route annotation to an operator-managed route.

To create a whitelist with multiple source IPs or subnets, use a space-delimited list. Any other delimiter type causes the list to be ignored without a warning or error message.

Table 2. Route annotations
VariableDescriptionEnvironment variable used as default

Sets the load-balancing algorithm. Available options are source, roundrobin, and leastconn.


Disables the use of cookies to track related connections. If set to true or TRUE, the balance algorithm is used to choose which back-end serves connections for each incoming HTTP request.

Specifies an optional cookie to use for this route. The name must consist of any combination of upper and lower case letters, digits, ““, and “-“. The default is the hashed internal key name for the route.

Sets the maximum number of connections that are allowed to a backing pod from a router.
Note: If there are multiple pods, each can have this many connections. If you have multiple routers, there is no coordination among them, each may connect this many times. If not set, or set to 0, there is no limit.

Setting true or TRUE enables rate limiting functionality which is implemented through stick-tables on the specific backend per route.
Note: Using this annotation provides basic protection against distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks.

Limits the number of concurrent TCP connections made through the same source IP address. It accepts a numeric value.
Note: Using this annotation provides basic protection against distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks.

Limits the rate at which a client with the same source IP address can make HTTP requests. It accepts a numeric value.
Note: Using this annotation provides basic protection against distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks.

Limits the rate at which a client with the same source IP address can make TCP connections. It accepts a numeric value.
Note: Using this annotation provides basic protection against distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks.

Sets a server-side timeout for the route. (TimeUnits)


Sets the interval for the back-end health checks. (TimeUnits)


Sets a whitelist for the route. The whitelist is a space-separated list of IP addresses and CIDR ranges for the approved source addresses. Requests from IP addresses that are not in the whitelist are dropped.

The maximum number of IP addresses and CIDR ranges allowed in a whitelist is 61.

Sets a Strict-Transport-Security header for the edge terminated or re-encrypt route.

Sets the hostname field in the Syslog header. Uses the hostname of the system. log-send-hostname is enabled by default if any Ingress API logging method, such as sidecar or Syslog facility, is enabled for the router.

Sets the rewrite path of the request on the backend.

Sets a value to restrict cookies. The values are:

Lax: cookies are transferred between the visited site and third-party sites.

Strict: cookies are restricted to the visited site.

None: cookies are restricted to the visited site.

This value is applicable to re-encrypt and edge routes only. For more information, see the SameSite cookies documentation.

Sets the policy for handling the Forwarded and X-Forwarded-For HTTP headers per route. The values are:

append: appends the header, preserving any existing header. This is the default value.

replace: sets the header, removing any existing header.

never: never sets the header, but preserves any existing header.

if-none: sets the header if it is not already set.


Environment variables cannot be edited.

Router timeout variables

TimeUnits are represented by a number followed by the unit: us *(microseconds), ms (milliseconds, default), s (seconds), m (minutes), h *(hours), d (days).

The regular expression is: [1-9][0-9]*(us\|ms\|s\|m\|h\|d).




Length of time between subsequent liveness checks on back ends.



Controls the TCP FIN timeout period for the client connecting to the route. If the FIN sent to close the connection does not answer within the given time, HAProxy closes the connection. This is harmless if set to a low value and uses fewer resources on the router.



Length of time that a client has to acknowledge or send data.



The maximum connection time.



Controls the TCP FIN timeout from the router to the pod backing the route.



Length of time that a server has to acknowledge or send data.



Length of time for TCP or WebSocket connections to remain open. This timeout period resets whenever HAProxy reloads.



Set the maximum time to wait for a new HTTP request to appear. If this is set too low, it can cause problems with browsers and applications not expecting a small keepalive value.

Some effective timeout values can be the sum of certain variables, rather than the specific expected timeout. For example, ROUTER_SLOWLORIS_HTTP_KEEPALIVE adjusts timeout http-keep-alive. It is set to 300s by default, but HAProxy also waits on tcp-request inspect-delay, which is set to 5s. In this case, the overall timeout would be 300s plus 5s.



Length of time the transmission of an HTTP request can take.



Allows the minimum frequency for the router to reload and accept new changes.



Timeout for the gathering of HAProxy metrics.

A route setting custom timeout

  1. apiVersion: v1
  2. kind: Route
  3. metadata:
  4. annotations:
  5. 5500ms (1)
  6. ...
1Specifies the new timeout with HAProxy supported units (us, ms, s, m, h, d). If the unit is not provided, ms is the default.

Setting a server-side timeout value for passthrough routes too low can cause WebSocket connections to timeout frequently on that route.

A route that allows only one specific IP address

  1. metadata:
  2. annotations:

A route that allows several IP addresses

  1. metadata:
  2. annotations:

A route that allows an IP address CIDR network

  1. metadata:
  2. annotations:

A route that allows both IP an address and IP address CIDR networks

  1. metadata:
  2. annotations:

A route specifying a rewrite target

  1. apiVersion: v1
  2. kind: Route
  3. metadata:
  4. annotations:
  5. / (1)
  6. ...
1Sets / as rewrite path of the request on the backend.

Setting the annotation on a route specifies that the Ingress Controller should rewrite paths in HTTP requests using this route before forwarding the requests to the backend application. The part of the request path that matches the path specified in spec.path is replaced with the rewrite target specified in the annotation.

The following table provides examples of the path rewriting behavior for various combinations of spec.path, request path, and rewrite target.

Table 3. rewrite-target examples:
Route.spec.pathRequest pathRewrite targetForwarded request path




































N/A (request path does not match route path)









Configuring the route admission policy

Administrators and application developers can run applications in multiple namespaces with the same domain name. This is for organizations where multiple teams develop microservices that are exposed on the same hostname.

Allowing claims across namespaces should only be enabled for clusters with trust between namespaces, otherwise a malicious user could take over a hostname. For this reason, the default admission policy disallows hostname claims across namespaces.


  • Cluster administrator privileges.


  • Edit the .spec.routeAdmission field of the ingresscontroller resource variable using the following command:

    1. $ oc -n openshift-ingress-operator patch ingresscontroller/default --patch '{"spec":{"routeAdmission":{"namespaceOwnership":"InterNamespaceAllowed"}}}' --type=merge

    Sample Ingress Controller configuration

    1. spec:
    2. routeAdmission:
    3. namespaceOwnership: InterNamespaceAllowed
    4. ...

Creating a route through an Ingress object

Some ecosystem components have an integration with Ingress resources but not with route resources. To cover this case, OKD automatically creates managed route objects when an Ingress object is created. These route objects are deleted when the corresponding Ingress objects are deleted.


  1. Define an Ingress object in the OKD console or by entering the oc create command:

    YAML Definition of an Ingress

    1. apiVersion:
    2. kind: Ingress
    3. metadata:
    4. name: frontend
    5. annotations:
    6. "reencrypt" (1)
    7. spec:
    8. rules:
    9. - host:
    10. http:
    11. paths:
    12. - backend:
    13. serviceName: frontend
    14. servicePort: 443
    15. tls:
    16. - hosts:
    17. -
    18. secretName: example-com-tls-certificate
    1The annotation can be used to configure the spec.tls.termination field of the Route as Ingress has no field for this. The accepted values are edge, passthrough and reencrypt. All other values are silently ignored. When unset, edge is used.
    1. If you specify the passthrough value in the annotation, set path to ‘’ and pathType to ImplementationSpecific in the spec:

      1. spec:
      2. rules:
      3. - host:
      4. http:
      5. paths:
      6. - path: ‘’
      7. pathType: ImplementationSpecific
      8. - backend:
      9. serviceName: frontend
      10. servicePort: 443
    1. $ oc apply -f ingress.yaml
  2. List your routes:

    1. $ oc get routes

    The result includes an autogenerated route whose name starts with frontend-:

    2. frontend-gnztq frontend 443 reencrypt/Redirect None

    If you inspect this route, it looks this:

    YAML Definition of an autogenerated route

    1. apiVersion:
    2. kind: Route
    3. metadata:
    4. name: frontend-gnztq
    5. ownerReferences:
    6. - apiVersion:
    7. controller: true
    8. kind: Ingress
    9. name: frontend
    10. uid: 4e6c59cc-704d-4f44-b390-617d879033b6
    11. spec:
    12. host:
    13. to:
    14. kind: Service
    15. name: frontend
    16. tls:
    17. certificate: |
    18. -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
    19. [...]
    20. -----END CERTIFICATE-----
    21. insecureEdgeTerminationPolicy: Redirect
    22. key: |
    23. -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
    24. [...]
    25. -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
    26. termination: reencrypt