Working with review changes

Manages review process from the outside.

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How it works

  1. When the user clicks the Accept / Reject buttons in the custom interface, the AcceptReviewChanges / RejectReviewChanges methods are executed to accept / reject the selected change in the editor:

    1. $("#accept").on("click", function () {
    2. connector.executeMethod("AcceptReviewChanges");
    3. });
    4. $("#reject").on("click", function () {
    5. connector.executeMethod("RejectReviewChanges");
    6. });
  2. When the user clicks the arrow buttons in the custom interface, the MoveToNextReviewChange method is executed to move between the next and previous review changes:

    1. $("#prev").on("click", function () {
    2. connector.executeMethod("MoveToNextReviewChange", [false]);
    3. });
    4. $("#next").on("click", function () {
    5. connector.executeMethod("MoveToNextReviewChange");
    6. });

Getting help

If you have any questions, ask our developers on ONLYOFFICE forum (registration required).